% To generate a nameplate, cut and paste the TeX code below and save it to a file called nameplate.tex. The name in the nameplate can be inserted in the second line from the bottom of the file. Once you are in the directory containing nameplate.tex, use the command: % tex nameplate % to compile the TeX file. This produces a dvi file, which you can send to your default printer by using the command: % dvips nameplate \nopagenumbers \font\namefont=cmss17 at 60pt \font\smallnamefont=cmss17 at 50pt \def\nameplate#1{% \centerline{% \setbox0=\hbox{\namefont #1}% \ifdim\wd0>15cm\setbox0=\hbox{\smallnamefont #1}\fi \vbox to 3cm{ \vbox to 0pt{\hrule height 0cm depth 3cm width 18.8cm \vss} \vss \special{ps:gsave 1 setgray} \vbox to 2.5cm{ \vfil \hbox to 18.8cm{\hss\hbox to 15cm{\hfil\box0\hfil}\hss} \vfil} \special{ps:grestore} \vss}} \vskip .27cm plus .1cm minus .1 cm\relax} \nameplate{Your Name} \bye