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Knowlton School

The minimal math requirements for degrees offered by the Knowlton School are listed below.

Note: It is highly recommended that students earn a B- or better in math courses.

Math Requirements by Major

  • Architecture
    1. Complete one of the following
      • Attain Math Placement Test Score M or L
      • Math 1148 College Algebra
      • Math 1150 Precalculus
    2. Complete one of the following
  • City and Regional Planning
    1. Complete one of the following
      • Attain Math Placement Test Score M or L
      • Math 1148 College Algebra
      • Math 1150 Precalculus
    2. Complete one of the following
  • Landscape Architecture
    1. Complete one of the following
      • Attain Math Placement Test Score M or L
      • Math 1148 College Algebra
      • Math 1150 Precalculus
    2. Complete one of the following