Mission Statement
Cycle is a community of students and faculty in the Department of Mathematics at The Ohio State University dedicated to fostering a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable undergraduate experience. We are a largely student-run organization developed in collaboration between faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Our focus lies in undergraduate student engagement in mathematics research, particularly of those from underrepresented and non-traditional groups in mathematics programs. Students work closely with mentors on mathematics research.
Our Goals
Cycle strives to provide discipline-specific mentoring for our underrepresented undergraduate mathematics majors that:
- supports the transition to active research,
- fosters a community of underrepresented students, both undergraduate and graduate, within the department, and
- offers professional development opportunities to underrepresented students.
The Cycle Mentoring Class
Undergraduate student participants may elect to enroll in a one credit hour course offered in both the Autumn and Spring semesters to get credit for their participation, but enrollment is not required for participation in the Cycle program.
Join Us
The next research fair where students and mentors will meet and be paired will take place in Autumn 2025.
Cycle meets on Tuesdays 5:20-6:15 in MW724 with asynchronous options available.
Contact Us
Contact the Cycle Committee at mathcycle@osu.edu with any questions, comments, or
The Cycle Committee
Cycle was first proposed to the Diversity and Departmental Climate Committee and the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Department of Mathematics in the Spring of 2021.
Cycle is currently organized by: