Actuarial Club at Ohio State

The goal of the Actuarial Club of Ohio State (ACOS) is to inform students about the actuarial profession and to further the goals of those students who are interested in pursuing a career as an actuary. In addition, ACOS will also help students with the professional actuarial exams.
See Actuarial Club at Ohio State for upcoming events and meetings.
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)

The purpose of the Association for Women in Mathematics is to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences.
The OSU Chapter of AWM is open to both graduate and undergraduate students. Activities include social events, meetings with speakers, and opportunities to learn about navigating careers and career transitions in mathematics.
For more information about our upcoming events and resources for math students (undergrad and grad), visit our website. Join our mailing list by emailing us at

OSU Cycle is a community of undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Mathematics at The Ohio State University dedicated to fostering a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable undergraduate experience. Cycle also offers a one credit hour course offered in both the Autumn and Spring semesters which fosters interaction between undergraduate students and graduate students in the Department of Mathematics. Get more information on our website.
Directed Reading Program (DRP)
The DRP pairs undergraduate students with graduate mentors to complete semester-long reading projects in mathematics. Get more information on our website.
Math Grad Student Association (MGSA)

The MGSA provides graduate students in the Department of Mathematics the opportunity to interact with each other and present their work to the members and other interested students as well as provide support and encouragement to all mathematics graduate students.
Check out our website.
Math to Industry

What can I do with a mathematics degree? How do I find a job given my math background? What types of corporations hire mathematicians? We are creating a Math to Industry seminar to empower students to use their mathematics degree to land rewarding jobs. In this seminar, you will learn about the transition from the university to the job market from mathematicians working at corporations such as Target, Nordstrom, Google, and more. The invited speakers will…
- share the skills that are in demand (coding, research experience, internships possibilities, etc.)
- converse about their path from student of mathematics to corporate mathematician
- discuss how they use math in their jobs
- talk about work life balance and making your passion into your job
Visit Math to Industry for more information about the seminar and events.
OSU LGBTQ+ in Math Alliance

The OSU LGBTQ+ in Math Alliance is the Ohio State University's Spectra chapter. It is an organization of LGBTQ+ mathematicians whose goal is to foster an inclusive and welcoming community in the Ohio State University Department of Mathematics. For more information see our website or contact us at
Radical Pi Math Club
Radical Pi is a math club for students at The Ohio State University. Radical Pi was created to unite college students with a strong interest in math. It gives them a chance to talk about math beyond schoolwork, and find out about new topics in math from the faculty and each other. For more information and/or to be informed about our upcoming events, contact Kabir Belgikar, Mark Kikta or Pranav Jois.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)

A local chapter of SIAM has formed on the OSU campus with the purpose to support the interest, research, graduate study, and overall understanding of mathematics in “real-world situations”.
This group will have opportunities to:
- hear guest speakers
- organize group projects for competitions
- tour industrial companies
- meet employers in the field
- attend annual conferences
- and even have the possibility of presenting at a conference.
The group is working hard to meet the needs of all math majors/tracks within the department and this nationally recognized organization is a great way to see the larger picture behind applied mathematics while also networking for your career or academic future. While the group is being initiated in the Department of Mathematics, the point is to make cross-disciplinary connections with other majors, students, and faculty.
See the SIAM website for their upcoming activities.
Women in Math & Science Club

"Women in Math & Science Club" was created to serve two purposes. The first goal of the group is to provide support and encouragement to women who have decided to pursue a career in math and/or science. The second goal is to do outreach to area middle-school aged children to encourage girls and boys to consider studying a science when they get to college and to demonstrate that a wide variety of people are qualified to do science. For more information see our website or contact us at