Calculus Sequences

Business Calculus

Math 1131 Calculus for Business (5)
Prereq:  Math Placement Level L; C- or better in 1130 or 1148; credit for 130 or 148. 
Exclusion:  Not open to students with credit for any math class numbered 1151 or higher. 
Survey of calculus of one and several variables; applications to business. 

Calculus With Review

Math 1140 Calculus with Review I (4)
Prereq: Placement L; C- or better in: 1150 or {1148 & 1149}; or credit for 150.
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for 1141, 1151, or any higher numbered math class.
This is the first of a two semester course sequence. The topics covered in Math 1140 will include differential calculus of one real variable, with review of important algebra and pre-calculus concepts.

Math 1141 Calculus with Review II (4)
Prereq: C- or better in: Math 1140
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for 1151 or any higher numbered math class.
This is the second of a two semester course sequence. The topics covered in Math 1141 will include differential calculus of one real variable, with review of important algebra and pre-calculus concepts.

Traditional Calculus

Math 1151 Calculus I (5) 
Prereq: Placement L, or C- or better in: 1150, {1148 & 1149}, or 150. 
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for any higher numbered math class. 
Limits, derivatives, max-min, definite integrals, Fundamental Theorem, substitution in integrals, applications.

Math 1152 Calculus II (5) 
Prereq: C- or better in 1151, 1156, 152, or 161, or in 114 or 1114. 
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for any higher numbered math class. 
Integration techniques, sequences and series, convergence tests, Taylor series, parametric and polar curves.


Math 2153 Calculus III (4) 
Prereq: C- or better in 1152, 1172, 1534, 1544, 1181H, or 4181H, or credit for 153.xx, 154, 162.xx, or 162.01H. 
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for any higher numbered math class. 
Multivariable differential and integral calculus.

Calculus for the Biological Sciences

Math 1156 Calculus for the Biological Sciences (5) 
Prereq: Placement L; C- or better in: 1150 or {1148 & 1149}; or credit for 150. 
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for any higher numbered math class.
Discrete models, limits and continuity, derivatives and applications, antiderivatives, integrals, Fundamental Theorem, team modeling projects.

Math 1152 Calculus II (5) 
Prereq: C- or better in 1151, 1156, 152, or 161, or in 114 or 1114. 
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for any higher numbered math class. 
Integration techniques, sequences and series, convergence tests, Taylor series, parametric and polar curves.

Engineering Calculus

Math 1151 Calculus I (5) 
Prereq: Placement L, or C- or better in: 1150, {1148 & 1149}, or 150. 
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for any higher numbered math class. 
Limits, derivatives, max-min, definite integrals, Fundamental Theorem, substitution in integrals, applications.

Math 1172 Engineering Math A (5) 
Prereq: C- or better in 1151, 152, or 161, 1161 or in 114 or 1114. 
Exclusions: Not open to students in math, pre-actuarial science, or actuarial science. Not open to students with credit for any higher numbered math class. 
Integration techniques, sequences & series, Taylor series, vectors and parametric curves, several variables, partial derivatives, chain rule, max-min. 

Math 2173 Engineering Math B (3) 
Prereq: C- or better in 1172; or credit for 1544 or 154. 
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for any higher numbered math class.
Multiple integrals, line integrals, vector fields, second order constant coefficient ODEs.

Math 2174 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations for Engineers (3) 
Prereq: 2173, and enrollment in Engineering, Physics, or Chemistry major; or permission of Math department. 
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for both 2415 (415.xx) and 2568 (568 or 571), or with credit for 5520H (520H and 521H).
Matrix theory, eigenvectors and eigenvalues, ordinary and partial differential equations.

Math 2177 Mathematical Topics for Engineers (4)
Prereq: 1172, 1544 (154), 2153, 2162.xx, 2182H, 4182H, 254.xx, 263.xx, 263.01H, or 264H; and a major or minor in Biochem, BiomedE, Chem, CEEGS, FABEng, MatScEn, CBE, Physics or WeldEng.
Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for 2174 or 5520H, or with credit for both (i) 2415 (415), 2255 (255), or 4512 (512) and (ii) 2568 (568 or 571).
Multiple integrals, line integrals; matrix algebra; linear (ordinary and partial) differential equations.

Honors Calculus

Math 1181H Honors Calculus I (5) 
Prereq: Permission of department. 
Exclusion:  Not open to students with higher numbered math class.
Differential calculus of one variable, integral calculus, convergence of sequences and series, Taylor series with remainder estimates. Emphasis on abstract proofs. 

Math 2182H Honors Calculus II (5) 
Prereq:  C- or better in 1181H 
Exclusion:  Not open to students with higher numbered math class.
Parametric curves, vectors, multivariable calculus treated in depth.

Honors Analysis

Math 4181H Honors Analysis I (5) 
Prereq:  Permission of department 
4181H-4182H is an enriched honors sequence introducing students to mathematical underpinnings of calculus.

Math 4182H Honors Analysis II (5) 
Prereq:  B- or better in 4181H or permission of department.
Continuation of math 4181 H.