The Colloquia and Seminars of the Department of Mathematics are intended to be a vehicle for invited speakers to communicate to the entire department significant new developments in their fields of research, in a manner accessible to a broad mathematical audience. The department, with support from the Mathematics Research Institute boasts over 25 active seminar groups. From the Welcome Seminar highlighting the department's new faculty, to interdepartmental seminars like the Topology, Geometry, and Data Seminar (CSE, Math, and Stat), undergraduates are encouraged to take advantage of these seminars at a prominent mathematical research center.
Undergraduates are strongly encouraged to participate in the What is ...? Seminar. The seminar's main goal is to expose culturally ambitious participants to some mathematical notions not taught in standard courses. These topics form an important part of mathematical folklore, and may prove useful for doing research and enhancing teaching. Lectures will be given mostly by graduate and undergraduate student participants.
Industry Visits
The OSU Department of Mathematics is committed to helping students discover exciting career paths and develop connections with alumni and recruiters in the math industry. The department hosts a number of on-campus workshops, events, and seminars where leaders from industry meet in small groups with students to provide insight into the profession, research topics, and essential career advice. Industry leaders are invited to the department by the Actuarial Club, Math to Industry, the OSU SIAM Chapter, and others.
Math Competitions

Putnam Mathematical Competition - An annual mathematics competition for undergraduate college students enrolled at institutions of higher learning in the United States and Canada.
Rasor-Bareis-Gordon (RBG) Exam - Are annual contests for OSU undergraduate students held by the Department of Mathematics. Cash awards to the winners of these contests.
Integral Bowl - The AWM Student Chapter at The Ohio State University and Dr. Jim Talamo, are excited to announce The Ohio State University’s Integral Bowl! This competition is open to all undergraduates and will challenge its participants to compute integrals of various degrees of difficulty. All integrals can be computed with knowledge from a standard integral calculus course, such as Math 1152, 1161, 1172, or an equivalent course.
Math 1187H Honors Problem Solving - This course offers experience in problem solving in mathematics for interested and talented students. Students interested in math competitions, particularly the Putnam and the RBG, are encouraged to enroll in Math 1187H during the autumn semester. Students will need to contact the Math Advising Office to request permission to enroll.
Review Math Competitions for more information about each competition.
Reading Classics
Students interested in the history of mathematics should participate in Reading Classics. The Reading Classics group meets each Tuesday from 4:10–5:15 in Math Tower154, and the participants present episodes from the history of mathematics. The Reading Classics group usually choose a focus for the semester, but digressions, diversions, and distractions are welcome as well. Faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates are welcome to participate! Participating students can earn credit as a reading course.
Reading Programs
Undergraduates are provided the chance to learn math one on one and see topics outside the standard curriculum, learn fundamental skills: how to read proofs, how to give effective presentations, and makes grad school more approachable.
Faculty Led Reading Programs - Students wishing to participate in a reading program are encouraged to organize one with a faculty member. This is a great opportunity for students wishing to build working relations with faculty, particularly for students wishing to attend graduate school. Students have the opportunity to earn credit for participating in reading programs with faculty.
The Directed Reading Program -The DRP pairs undergraduate math students with graduate student mentors for a semester-long reading project. Projects are chosen based on mentee interest, with guidance from mentors, and range from working towards understanding a particular theorem to reading an interesting textbook. Visit Directed Reading Program for more information and apply to participate in the program.
Young Mathematicians Conference (YMC)
The Young Mathematicians Conference (YMC) is a premier annual conference for undergraduate research in mathematics. Accepted students (typically around 65) are invited with support to the conference during a weekend at the Department of Mathematics of the Ohio State University. Highlights of every conference are three plenary lectures by highly accomplished researchers and educators. These talks introduce students to advanced, innovative, and exciting topics in mathematics. In addition to student and plenary presenters, the YMC has much to offer future mathematicians. The YMC includes a Graduate School Orientation event in which representatives from various PhD programs from around the country provide information and insights about a graduate career in mathematics.