Students can encounter a few different situations when preparing to apply for graduation. Some students follow major and minor requirements, with no exceptions, and when they are ready to graduate their degree audit (DARS) will automatically run complete with the exception of meeting with an advisor to official file for graduation. Other students, those with multiple majors/minors or honors students, may have made course exceptions over their time at OSU and their official application to graduate is a little more detailed. Below are the situations encountered most frequently by students and the procedures to follow in order to file for graduation with OSU. If there are questions regarding a specific situation not listed below, please contact the Math Advising Office.
All graduating majors will need to complete an exit survey. In order to save time, students can fill out the form ahead of time and bring it to their graduation appointment.
Students with a Degree Audit Running Complete
Students with no exceptions to be made to their degree audit, may file for graduation by simply making an appointment with their major advisor. No additional paperwork needs to be filled out prior to this appointment, other than the exit survey. Students should schedule an appointment with their advisor in OnCourse.
ASC Honors Students
No matter what the student's major is, all honors students should file for graduation with their honors advisor. If an honors contract needs to be signed by a faculty advisor, please stop by the math advising office during walk-in hours to have this form reviewed by an advisor and be appointed an official faculty advisor.
Students with Multiple Majors, Minors, or Degrees
Students in this situation may have a degree audit running complete, but are required to fill out a major program form. Students with multiple majors and/or degrees that have overlapping requirements will require degree exceptions to be made. Please email the assigned major advisor regarding specific situations prior to scheduling a graduation appointment. Students will need to fill out a major program form to have any exceptions approved by a faculty advisor before officially filing for graduation.