Autumn Mathematics Proficiency Exams

New first-year students and first-term transfer students have an opportunity to sit for a proctored, in-person proficiency exam as an additional tool for math placement. In order to take a proficiency exam for a math class, a student must be eligible to enroll in that math class (based on math placement test, have AP credit on file, or have transfer credit on file.) Students who sit for the autumn proficiency exams without meeting these requirements will have their scores cancelled and no other exams will be permitted to be taken.

Sessions for Autumn 2025: 

  • Friday 8/22/25
  • Monday 8/25/25
  • Wednesday 8/27/25


Registering for an Autumn Proficiency Exam

To register for a proficiency exam, please visit the Testing Center webpage and carefully read all instructions below before actually registering.  Remember, students must register at least 48 hours in advance to guarantee a seat.

Steps for registration

  1. Choose Group - Select "OSU Testing"
  2. Choose Group -  Select "Autumn Semester Proficiency Tests (MATH)" - third choice from the top
  3. Choose an Exam - Click on the course associated with the student's initial placement, AP credit, or transfer credit. The choices are:
    • Math 1050 (Placement level T or S; transfer credit for Math 1040)
    • Math 1075 (Placement level S or R; transfer credit for Math 1050, 1060 or 1074)
    • Math 1130* (Placement level N; transfer credit for Math 1075)
    • Math 1131 (Placement level L; transfer credit for Math 1130, 1144, 1148 or 1150)
    • Math 1148* (Placement level N; transfer credit for Math 1075, 1130, or 1131)
    • Math 1149 (Transfer credit for Math 1148)
    • Math 1150 (Placement level M; transfer students do not qualify for this EM test)
    • Math 1151 (Placement level L; transfer credit for Math 1144, Math 1148 & 1149 combined or Math 1150)
    • Math 1152 (Transfer credit for Math 1151; AP credit for Math 1151)
    • Math 1172 (Transfer credit for Math 1151; AP credit for Math 1151)
    • Math 2153 (Transfer credit for Math 1152; AP credit for Math 1151 and 1152)
  4. Exam Description - Review the information about the exam you selected.
  5. Choose a Date & Time - Pick a day and time to take the test from the available dates from the available dates listed above.
    You must have a reservation - no walk-ins. When seats are full, testing days/times will disappear from the calendar.
  6. Fill in requested information being sure to register using assigned OSU name.# and OSU email address.
  7. Upon final submission, students will receive a confirmation email stating the location, date, and time of the chosen exam.  This email is the only reminder for the test and it is the student's responsibility to save this email and remember testing reservation. You must bring a valid photo ID (BuckID, Driver's License, or Passport) to be allowed to test!

Important Reminders

If a student wishes to take more than one math proficiency exam in order to move up multiple levels in a math class, they must wait on the results of the first exam before signing up for the second exam.

Students should arrive at the Testing Center at least 15 minutes before their scheduled exam with pencils, their BuckID and an approved calculator for their proficiency exam (see below for calculator guidelines).  If students arrive late, they forfeit the right to take exam.  Any applicable fees for the exam will not be refunded. Students must turn in their tests at the end of the two hours allotted for the exam.

Students have only one chance to take any single proficiency test.  If the test is not passed, there will be no additional chances to advance. Thus, students should study for the test accordingly.  For study materials and syllabi, please see our course listings.

Students will be notified by the Math Advising Office, via students' OSU email (name.#) by 5 pm the next business day whether they pass or fail.  

Calculator Guidelines

Proficiency exams for Math 1050 Precollege Mathematics I and Math 1075 Precollege Mathematics II:

Only a non-CAS (Computer Algebra System) graphing calculator are permitted, TI-83 and TI-84 are permitted. If the calculator is chosen to be used for problems that do not specifically require an algebraic solution, a clear explanation and a sketch of all graphs or tables used to solve the problem are required.

Proficiency exams for Math 1130, Math 1131, Math 1148, Math 1149, Math 1150, and Math 2153:

A graphing calculator without a QWERTY keyboard (e.g. TI-84) is allowed for use on these exams, but students must justify their answers by showing work to get full credit. Cellphones, laptops, or other electronic devices with full QWERTY keyboards are not permitted and will be removed during the test.  Once again, no retesting is permitted so it is imperative that students have the appropriate, approved calculator when taking their proficiency exam.

Proficiency exams for Math 1151 Calculus I, Math 1152 Calculus II,  and Math 1172 Math for Engineers A:

No calculators are permitted on these exams.


All exams are taken in person at The Ohio State University Testing Center located at:

585 Student Academic Services Building
281 West Lane Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210

(614) 292-2241

Map of Location