The generous support of our alumni and friends gives us a significant edge. When you give to the Department of Mathematics, you allow us to: enhance our efforts to attract top students and faculty, provide exceptional opportunities for our graduate and undergraduate students, expand outstanding teaching and public outreach programs.
Graduate Education
- Support our graduate students’ research projects, their travel to research conferences, and expenses associated with the organization of math-related events.
Undergraduate Education
- Support research projects of math undergraduate students, their travel to research conferences, scholarships, and expenses associated with the organization of math-related events.
Actuarial Science Fund
- For the Advancement of the Actuarial Science Program, as Directed by the Head of the Actuarial Program in the Department of Mathematics.
David Goss Technology & Academic Innovation Stimulus Fund
- Upon David Goss's passing, his wife, Rita Eppler-Goss, established a memorial fund in his honor: the David Goss Technology and Academic Innovation Stimulus Fund. Its purpose is to support academics and researchers in the Department of Mathematics with their entrepreneurial academic endeavors.
Math Department Activities: Chair’s Discretionary Fund
- Supports a vast array of departmental activities and initiatives, including math-related social events, such as receptions for the Radó and Zassenhaus lectures and the Young Mathematicians Conference, graduate-student summer stipends, and recruiting talented math majors.
Outreach-Diversity: BAMM Fund
- Our outreach group, BAMM (Buckeye Aha! Math Moments), started in 2018 by Erika Roldan, then a PhD student at Ohio State. This fund supports outreach programming of BAMM to increase the public awareness, appreciation, and enjoyment of mathematics, including in underrepresented populations