Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st place -- Devin Zhao
- 3nd place -- Hanze Hu
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st place -- Yumin Shen
- 2nd place -- Kevin Lewis, Dylan Weber, Wo Wu
- honorable mention -- Kabir Belgikar, Gabriel Black, Jeremy Case
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st place -- Peter Chen
- 2nd place -- Luc Azen
- honorable mention -- Jeremy Case, Thomas Phillips
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st place -- Kabir Belgikar
- 2nd place -- Mark Kikta, Yumin Shen, Wo Wu
- honorable mention -- Benjamin Thayer
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Vlad Akavets
- 2nd - Kabir Belgikar and Mikey Reilly
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Aditya Jambhale
- 3rd - Abdulhamid Sameer A Aldoobi, Stephen Forest, Raghav Samavedam
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Ankan Bhattacharya
- 2nd - Torey Hilbert
- 3rd - Rushil Raghavan
- Honorable mention - Vlad Akavets, Jake Huryn, Alex Li, Renyuan Ma, Dennis Sweeney, Adu Vengal
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Tiancheng Shi
- 3rd - Katerina Husar, Caitlin Patterson, Yuhan Wu
- Honorable mention - Alexander Patterson, Jon White
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Ankan Bhattacharya
- 2nd - Srivatsa Srinivas, Dennis Sweeney
- 3rd - James Enouen, Vilas Winstein
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Vlad Akavets
- Honorable mention - Yi Yan, Alex Li, Tim Walters, Andrei Roman, Dennis Sweeney
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Ankan Bhattacharya
- 2nd - Srivatsa Srinivas, Caleb Lehman
- 3rd - Caleb Dilsavor
- Honorable mention - Nik Henderson, Dan Brogan, Michael Heinz
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Alvin Zhang
- 2nd - Maxwell Budd
- 3rd - Adu Vengal, Timothy Walters, Vilas Winstein
- Honorable mention - James Enouen
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Nik Henderson, Aidan Howells
- 2nd - Michael Heinz
- 3rd - Desmond Coles, Caleb Dilsavor
- Honorable mention - Michael Crawshaw, Ishaan Shah
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Jiaqi Liu
- 2nd - Ishaan Shah and Caleb Dilsavor
- 3rd - Nik Henderson
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Boming Jia
- 2nd - Caleb Lehman
- 3rd - Antony Ciavarella
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 1st - Aidan Howells
- 2nd - Jiaqi Liu
- 3rd - Carl Ahlborg
Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Peter Tian
- 2nd - Mitchell Domecq
- 3rd - Caleb Lehman
- Honorable Mention - Shuchen Mu, Yi Nian, Zane Smith, Denver Woodward
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Taylor Friesen
- 2nd - Boming Jia
- 3rd - Isaac Smith
- Honorable Mention - Duncan Clark
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 1st - Peter Tian
- 2nd - Caleb Lehman
- 3rd - Abhi Kesbhat, Shuchen Mu
- Honorable Mention - Haresh Menon, Daniel Murphy, Denver Woodward
Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Sujit Rao
- 2nd - Henri Tran
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Noah Taylor
- 2nd - Tyler Friesen, Boming Jia, Andrew Krieger
- Honorable Mention - Ben O'Connor
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Boming Jia, Xuan Wang
- 2nd - Bowen Dai
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Tyler Friesen, Noah Taylor
- 2nd - Mario Carneiro, Nicholas Kosar, Andrew Krieger, Ben O'Connor
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Noah Taylor
- 2nd - Tyler Friesen
- 3rd - Isaac Smith
- Honorable Mention - Brian Li, Kailun Qian
Bareis Competition Winners
- 2nd - Cheng Chen, Junfei Huang
- 3rd - Ji Hoon Chun, Yingle Zhang
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Clark Butler, Theodore Dokos
- 2nd - Andrew Krieger, Ben O'Conner
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Bo Jiang
- 2nd - Cheng Chen
- Honorable Mention - Tianxiang Chen, Andrew Kre
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Jeff Lindquist
- 2nd - Theodore Dokos
- 3rd - Paul Apisa
- Honorable Mention - Clark Butler, Tim NeCamp
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Theodore Dokos
- 2nd - Bo Jiang
- 3rd - Nick Kosar
- Honorable Mention - Ross Askanazi, Xuyang Zhang
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Yishun Dong, Jeff Lindquist
- 2nd - Clark Butler, Timothy NeCamp
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Yishun Dong
- 2nd - Clark Butler, Theodore Dokos, Jeff Linquist
- 3rd - Joel Burget, Joseph Garrett, Shravas Rao
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Jack Jeffries, Corey Staten
- 2nd - Kaushik Bagchi, Brandon Sorg, Song Wang
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 1st - Jeff Lindquist, Vikas Choudhary
- 2nd - Brian Six
- 3rd - Joseph L Garrett
Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Hung Nguyen
- 2nd - Kaushik Bagchi
- 3rd - Zach Sjostrom
- 4th - Jack Jeffries, Brandon Sorg
- Honorable Mention - Wenchen Zhao
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Rob Denomme
- 2nd - Sonya Leibman, Corey Staten
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 1st - Hung Nguyen
- 2nd - Minh Pham
- 3rd - Gene Kopp, Zach Sjostrom, Ross Wang
- Honorable Mention - Kaushik Bagchi, J Scott Moreland, Brandon Sorg, Yibo Yan
Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Corey Staten
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Jon Belcher, Rob Denomme, Trent Ohl, Brad Waller
- 2nd - Sam Fotis, Dan Poole, Stephen Swihart
- Honorable Mention - Damon G Chengelis, Min Nguyen, Jeremy Voltz
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Allan Ruffini ($314)
- 2nd - Stephen Swihart ($271)
- 3rd - Rob Denomme ($141)
- Honorable Mention - Xiao Dai, Min Ro, Doug Schaefer
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Matthew D. McCoy, Gabor Revesz ($300)
- 2nd - Thomas M. LaPille ($200)
- 3rd - Daniel Poole, Jeremy Voltz ($100)
- Honorable Mention - Deepak Bal
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Sonya Leibman ($400)
- 2nd - Thomas M. LaPille, Jeff Skinn ($250)
- Honorable Mention - Damon G. Chengelis, Sam Fotis, Minh Nguyen, Stephen Swinhart, John Sinsheimer
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Gabor Revesz ($400)
- 2nd - John Christopherson ($250)
- Honorable Mention - James Sharpnack
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 1st - Sofia Leibman ($150)
- 2nd - Wei Li ($125)
- 3rd - Adam O'Brien ($100)
Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Philip Carpenter, Eugene Pyatigorsky ($50)
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Roux Heyns, Ben Przybyla ($200)
- 2nd - Yiran Hu ($150)
- 3rd - Daniel W. File ($100)
- 4th - Michael Chmutov, Donald Seelig ($50)
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 1st - Eugene Pyatigorsky
Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Michael Chmutov
- 2nd - Shane Littlefield
- Honorable Mention - Jeffrey Mathew
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Joey Brinkmeier
- 2nd - Ben Przybyla, John Christopherson, Yiran Hu
- 3rd - John Kent Hansan, Dina Huang
- Honorable Mention - Daniel W. File, Allen Piscitello
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 1st - Matt McCoy ($200)
- 2nd - Ann Elliott ($100)
- Honorable Mention - Yiran Hu, Rebecca Johnson, Kevin M. Schultz, Elizabeth Toher
Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Joey Brinkmeier ($200)
- Honorable Mention - Aaron Shbeeb
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Michael Rose ($200)
- 2nd - Andy Bertino ($150)
- 3rd - Craig Lennon ($100)
- Honorable Mention - Jeff Atwell
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 1st - Joseph DeLong ($150)
- 2nd - Joey Brinkmeier ($100)
Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Allen Piscitello ($150)
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Michael A. Rose ($150)
- 2nd - Andy Bertine ($100)
- 3rd - Chris Altomare ($50)
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 1st - Kai Sung
- 2nd - Allen Piscitello
Bareis Competition Winners
- 2nd - Sachin Patel
- 3rd - Ralph Hutchison
- Honorable Mention - Nishanta Baruch, Jonathan D. Powell
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Ronnie Pavlov
- 2nd - Ilya Finkler
- 3rd - Tyler Neylon, David Wilhelm
- Honorable Mention: Chris Altomare, Bryan D. Levinson
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 2nd - Sachin Patel ($150)
- 3rd - Nishanta Baruah, Jennifer Carr ($100)
- Honorable Mention - Gabriel Chong, Shernaz Wadia ($50)
Bareis Competition Winners
- Honorable Mention - Brian Cochran ($50)
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Tyler Neylon ($200)
- 2nd - Andrew Gard, Ronnie Pavlov ($150)
- 3rd - Chris Altomare, James E. Baumgardner II ($100)
- Honorable Mention - David Quarfoot, Rebekah J. Stephenson
Rasor-Bareis - Exam, Solutions
Gordon - Exam, Solutions
Rasor Competition Winners
- 1st - David Quarfoot
- 2nd - John Kropinak
Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Tyler Neylon
- 2nd - Ilya G. Finkler
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - Eric Edward Katz, D. Adrian Tanner
- 2nd - Andrew Lydon
- 3rd - James E. Baumgardner II, Jennifer Clark
- Honorable Mention: Shannon McDonald, Van Le
Rasor-Bareis - Exam
Gordon - Exam
Rasor-Bareis Competition Winners
- 1st - Ilya Finkler, Van Le
- 2nd - David Wilhelm
- Honorable Mention - Andrea Fogler, Kenji Kadota, Gwyn Frambach, Hai Huang, Fang Yang
Gordon Competition Winners
- 1st - James Baumgardner
- 2nd - Eric Katz
- 3rd - Andrew Lydon
- Honorable Mention - Jennifer Clark, Ryan Nunley, Matthew Flemming