Math Minor

The Department of Mathematics offers a math minor where students take foundational coursework in calculus, linear algebra, and proof writing.  The rest of the minor can be created by each student to complement any major or field of interest.  Mathematical methods are used today in numerous career fields including medicine, law, design, engineering, finance, accounting, economics, architecture, and computer programming.

Courses do not need to be completed in any specific order but must abide by course prerequisites. Students should view which semester courses are taught to plan their math minor.

Math Minor Requirements

Complete one of the following:

Complete one of the following:

Complete one of the following:

*If Math 3345 is not a requirement for your major, you must declare the minor before enrolling.

Choose at least two from the following list to complete your requirements:

Math 2255 Differential Equations & Their Apps
Math 2415 Ordinary and Partial Diff Eqns
Math 3350 Intro to Mathematical Biology
Math 3607 Beginning Scientific Computing
Math 4181H Honors Analysis I
Math 4182H Honors Analysis II
Math 4350 Quantitative Neuroscience
Math 4507 Geometry
Math 4512 Partial Diff Eqns for Sci & Eng
Math 4530 Probability
Math 4547 Introductory Analysis I
Math 4548 Introductory Analysis II
Math 4551 Vector Analysis
Math 4552 Complex Analysis
Math 4556 Dynamical Systems
Math 4557 Partial Differential Equations
Math 4570 Applied Algebraic Topology
Math 4573 Elementary Number Theory
Math 4575 Combinatorial Mathematics
Math 4578 Discrete Mathematical Models
Math 4580 Abstract Algebra I
Math 4581 Abstract Algebra II
Math 5001 Introduction to Set Theory
Math 5051 Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Math 5101 Linear Math in Finite Dimensions
Math 5102 Linear Math in Infinite Dimensions
Math 5451 Calculus of Variations and Tensor Calc
Math 5520H Honors Linear Algebra and Diff Eqns
Math 5529H Honors Combinatorics
Math 5530H Honors Probability
Math 5522H Honors Complex Analysis
Math 5540H Honors Differential Geometry
Math 5576H Honors Number Theory
Math 5590H Honors Abstract Algebra I
Math 5591H Honors Abstract Algebra II
Math 5601 Essentials of Numerical Methods
Math 5602 Computational Partial Differential Eqns
Math 5603 Numerical Linear Algebra
Math 5756 Math Methods in Relativity Theory I
Math 5757 Math Methods in Relativity Theory

Math Minor Categories

  • Complete at least 15 credit hours of math, chosen from the required and elective courses listed.
  • Courses that constitute the minor must have a GPA of at least a 2.0.

Note: Students enrolled in an ASC undergraduate honors major must complete an honors math minor, option 1 or 2. Honors students in other colleges are encouraged to pursue the honors minor but are not required.

  • Complete at least 15 credit hours of math, chosen from the required and elective courses listed.
  • At least TWO of those courses must be honors math courses.
  • Courses that constitute the minor must have a GPA of at least a 3.0.

Note: Students enrolled in an ASC undergraduate honors major must complete an honors math minor, option 1 or 2. Honors students in other colleges are encouraged to pursue the honors minor but are not required.

  • Complete at least 18 credit hours of math, chosen from the required and elective courses listed.
  • Courses that constitute the minor must have a GPA of at least a 3.3.

Math Minors for Specific Majors with Math Overlap

Students completing one of the following programs should review the specific minor requirements based on their major. All students interested in a Math Minor should meet with Math Advising to discuss options and create a Math Minor Program Form. 

 Astronomy & Astrophysics  |  CIS  |  Statistics

Restrictions for Math Minors

  • There must be 12 disjoint, non-overlapping hours with student's major counting in the minor.  Over and above those 12 hours, overlaps are permitted but only up to 6 hours are permitted to overlap.
  • Only 6 hours of transfer credit or exam credit may count towards the 15 hour minimum.
  • Math 2174, 2177, 3532, 3588, 3618, x193, 499x, and 56xx may not be used on the math minor.

Declare a Math Minor

Students should review the math minor requirements and restrictions. To declare students should have:

  1. Finished multivariable calculus (Math 2153, Math 2162, Math 2182H, or 2173) or be finishing the course.
  2. Decided on what math elective courses they will use to complete the minor. Students should consult with their faculty to discuss best courses that are complimentary to their area of study.
  3. A math minor program form will be created by the Math Advising Office. Contact Math Advising to begin your form.

Note: Students must declare the math minor before they can enroll in Math 3345 or 3345H if the course is not a requirement for their major.