The Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM) Student Chapter at The Ohio State University and Dr. Jim Talamo are excited to announce The Ohio State University’s First Annual Integral Bowl! This promises to be a fun night of mathematical competition and socialization. Pizza and donuts will be provided for all participants.
When: Monday, March 4th - doors open at 5:15 PM
Where: Cunz Hall 150
This competition is open to all undergraduates and will challenge its participants to compute integrals of various degrees of difficulty. All integrals can be computed with knowledge from a standard integral calculus course, such as Math 1152, 1161, 1172, or an equivalent course.
The 2019 Integration Bowl will consist of an individual round and a team round. Participants will compete in both rounds. You may sign up with a team of exactly three individuals or a team will be assigned to you if you do not have one.
In the individual round, all participants will have twenty five minutes to compute fifteen integrals. Each integral will be worth between one and four points depending on its degree of difficulty.
In the team round, teams will have twenty five minutes to compute six challenging integrals together. Each of these integrals will be worth between five and ten points.
The three individuals who have the highest score in the individual round will be recognized and earn cash prizes.
First: \$60 Second: \$40 Third: \$20
The three teams with the highest cumulative score in the competition will be recognized and earn cash prizes. The team score will be the sum of the points earned during the team portion. In the event that more than one team receives one of the top three scores, the sum of the points earned by each member in the individual round will be used as a tiebreaker.
First: \$90 (total) Second: \$60 (total) Third: \$30 (total)
In the event of a tie, the prizes will be split.
Sign Up
Please fill out the sign up sheet if you want to participate!