Students with Time Conflicts

If students cannot enroll in an open math class due to time for conflicts with other courses or work, students should follow the Department of Mathematics procedure for time conflicts. These procedures increase the chance students enroll in the right math course, although it does not guarantee students their first choice of section and/or time.

Time Conflicts with Other Courses

  • Determine if this time conflict can be easily fixed by simply choosing another time or section of the course confliction with the math course.
  • If students are unable to choose alternative courses, then:
    • Students should visit the Math Advising Office to discuss their situation.
    • The department does not support students missing class time due to a conflict with another course. Approval to enroll in a math course with a time conflict is normally only provided under the condition that the student does not miss class time of the math course.

Note: The Department of Mathematics reserves the right to deny enrollment into a math course with a time conflict. 

Work Conflicts

Permission to enroll in an alternative time/section will begin approximately 2 weeks before the start of the semester for students that have a work conflict with a currently scheduled class and/or other open sections of math courses.

Students should:

  • Provide a letter from their supervisor on company stationery stating their work hours required.
    • Please be aware that a note on plain paper will not be accepted.
  • Submit the official note and current class schedule to the Math Course Office, 113 Math Building.
    • Permission to enroll in a new section will be granted if space permits. 

*Students who do not have work conflicts or cannot provide official documentation from their supervisor must follow typical wait list procedures.