ATTENTION! New students can locate the link to the math placement test directly through the to-do list in Buckeyelink. If the placement test is on your to-do list, you must complete the online test before orientation. If an academic advisor in your program has stated that you no longer require the test, please ignore the prompt and it will automatically fall off your to-do list when the semester begins. No further contact with math advising is necessary to remove the prompt as we do not have control of the to-do list.
The online Math Placement Test is an important tool that determines a student's beginning placement level in math and science courses. No course credit is given for the test, but it can fulfill the basic math skills requirement for the General Education requirements. During the orientation academic advising session, advisors use the placement level to determine which mathematics course sequence students should begin during their first semester at Ohio State.
- Placement tests from other institutions are not used in lieu of the OSU math placement test.
- Statistics courses are not considered for placement into math courses at OSU.
- Math advisors cannot answer specific student concerns unless the student emails from their OSU BuckeyeMail account.
How do I take the Math Placement Test?
Before Starting Classes at Ohio State
Students eligible to take the Math Placement Test and have not started classes at Ohio State can complete the assessment online as soon as possible. Plan to test in a distraction-free environment with good internet connection that will be uninterrupted for 75 minutes.
Students need to login to the Math Placement Test using their assigned Ohio State username (lastname.#) and password.
After Starting Classes at Ohio State
All placement testing is online. Students must obtain a referral from the Math Advising Office. Once the request to take the exam is received, a live link will be sent to the OSU email address of the student. Students must complete the test that day as the link is only valid through midnight.
Students may email math placement testing at to obtain the testing referral.
Do I have to take the Math Placement Test?
YES. All incoming College of Engineering first-year and transfer students are not exempt and are required to complete Ohio State’s Math Placement Test, regardless of prior math -- no exceptions.
Incoming first-year Engineering students are required to take the Math Placement Test by Friday, May 23, 2025. Failure to take the Math Placement Test by this date will result in scheduling delays and limitations during your first term of enrollment.
PLEASE NOTE: No further email with math advising is necessary, as this is a requirement of the College of Engineering, not the Department of Mathematics.
All non-Engineering entering students are required to take the Math Placement Test unless one of the following is true:
- Any student who has already received AP Calculus test score prior to their orientation session and received a 3, 4, or 5 on the AB or BC exam. Official results must be sent to Ohio State.
- Please note: if you recently took an AP Exam, you must take the math placement test before your orientation as AP scores will not yet be reported.
- Students who have received transfer credit for a specific Ohio State math course (for example, the class shows as Math 1148 on their transfer credit report). Please note that statistics courses do not exempt the student from the math placement test.
- Students receiving general math credit, G000.xx, must have this credit evaluated by a math advisor in order to be exempt from the Math Placement Test. After Summer 2020, we will no longer evaluate deferred credit.
- Students with only credit for Math 1149 Trigonometry may need to take the placement test if they need further mathematics. Math 1149 needs to be combined with Math 1148 to continue ahead. Please consult your program's advisor to find out if you require more math courses for your degree.
****If you are not in Engineering and fall into one of the categories of 1 or 2 above, simply ignore the testing prompt. The item will fall off your to-do list in Buckeyelink after the semester begins.****
Which placement test am I eligible for?
Math Placement B Test
- Domestic freshmen who did not submit ACT/SAT scores to the university for admission
- All domestic transfer students regardless of standardized test scores
- Domestic freshmen who officially submitted ACT/SAT scores with an ACT math score of 24 or lower or SAT math score of 580 or lower
Math Placement D Test
- Domestic freshmen with an ACT math score of 25 or higher officially reported to the university
- Domestic freshmen with an SAT math score of 590 or higher officially reported to the university
- All new international students
Self-report of standardized test scores is insufficient to qualify for the D Test. High school grades are not considered for placement in the D Test.
Disability Accommodations
If you would like to request placement exam accommodations, you will need to submit an application and documentation to Student Life Disability Services (SLDS) prior to taking the exam. Typical accommodations may include extended time, alternative formats, and Reader/scribe.
If you are interested in utilizing academic accommodations as an Ohio State student, you will need to complete the registration process and then contact Jenny Speas at 614-292-3307 or For more information, contact
Testing Format
The test has a time limit of 75 minutes. The time remaining will be updated after each question. Note that time continues to run even if students close the browser window, log off their computer, or experience computer problems.
Students may use scratch paper, a pencil, and a scientific graphing calculator. Calculators with computer symbolic algebra or QWERTY keyboards, such as the TI-89 or TI-92, are not permitted.
The test is multiple choice with only one correct answer per question. Partial credit is not given. Prior to testing, students can familiarize themselves with the types of problems on the test.
Interpreting Placement Score
Make certain to note the placement level code (L, M, N, R, S, T, or U) awarded at the end of the exam. To interpret placement test results and determine the best course of enrollment, please review the outline of Math Placement Test scores and their corresponding math course options.
Students who feel that their performance on the Mathematics Placement Test does not accurately reflect their mathematical skills, and those students who wish to qualify for more advanced courses, have an opportunity to take a Math Proficiency Exam.
Frequently Asked Questions
Sure! Log in with your Ohio State Username and password at
Yes. Please take this test with an attitude of full attention. This one-time test is an important indicator that advisors use to enroll you in math courses. Make sure you are in a quiet place, with good internet, where you will not be interrupted for 75 consecutive minutes. The best result on the test is the score that best reflects your skill set. Not realizing that the test was important is not a valid reason to retake this one-time test.
Yes. If your AP math credit is not available at the time of orientation a placement test is necessary. ALL Engineering students must take the placement test - it is mandatory regardless of credit status. Your academic advisor will use your placement test score to place you in a mathematics course. If necessary you can work with your advisor after your AP credit is validated. Please note that AP credit will not be available to the university until after July 15.
Note: If you are not in Engineering and have AP math credit already officially posted to Buckeyelink for your advisor to view by orientation, then no test is necessary. No further contact with math advising is necessary to confirm your status.
Please take the test you have been assigned. When students log in to the placement test, the computer will automatically select the correct test for students based upon their highest qualifying ACT/SAT score, or the B Test by default if you did not submit a standardized test score for admission. If you are an incoming freshman or transfer student, your math placement test level has already been set in the database through the Office of Admissions, not math advising.
PLEASE NOTE: Students who score high enough on the B Test will automatically receive a message at the end of the test to take the Math D Test which may result in a higher placement level. Please follow all instructions about additional testing after you complete the test as you will not receive any more communication about continuing. If you do not receive a prompt at the end of the test to keep testing, you have not qualified for the D Test. Your testing is concluded.
This means that the scoring algorithm did not have enough consistent information to assess your placement level. When you are ready to take the second test, log in with your Ohio State Username and password at The second test will result in a placement level.
The Math Placement Test is a one-time test with scores valid for 5 years. Requests to retake the test are likely to be denied. Lack of preparation for the test is not cause for retaking the test. Please thoroughly review for the test and take the test in a quiet space with a good internet connection.
If you are past 5 years from the last attempted test, please email for a reset.
No. If an academic advisor in your program has stated that you no longer require the test, please ignore the prompt and it will automatically fall off your to-do list when the semester begins. No further contact with math placement testing is necessary to remove the prompt as we do not have control of the to-do list.
Have additional questions?
If the content of this page has sufficiently answered your question, a follow up email to confirm is not necessary. If you need further assistance, please contact math placement testing at