Financial Support


Listed below are the types of financial support offered by the Mathematics Department and The Ohio State University. All types of support include the coverage of tuition costs in addition to stipends that exceed OSU's estimated graduate student costs. Costs of living in Columbus, Ohio are generally below the national average and the benefits of living in the city are numerous. 


Graduate Teaching Associateships (GTA)

The majority of current and incoming mathematics graduate students are supported by GTA appointments. Stipends for entering PhD students are for the 9-month academic year (Autumn and Spring Semesters). PhD students receive an increase in pay after passing Candidacy. The workload of graduate teaching associates involves approximately 4 contact hours per week of teaching, plus preparation and grading for a total of 20 hours per week. GTA positions are renewable assuming acceptable academic progress.


University Fellowships (UF / DUF / DDUF)

In addition to GTA positions, the university offers competitive University Fellowships to domestic and international applicants with excellent academic records. University Fellowships support incoming students for their first 12 months of study without any teaching obligations. For the most competitive applicants, two-year (first and dissertation year) or three-year (first, second, and dissertation year) Distinguished University Fellowships may be awarded. Fellowships are supplemented by the department so that they equal or exceed GTA salaries at the same level.


University Presidential Fellowships (PF)

The university offers over 30 competitive Presidential Fellowships each year to the strongest doctoral students on campus. Besides the great prestige, this award provides a generous stipend and full tuition support for a 12 month period during the dissertation year. On average, mathematics students have been awarded between one and two Presidential Fellowships per year. Presidential Fellowships also include funds for travel support.


Departmental Support

In addition to the fellowships that are awarded by the university, the department offers several funding opportunities for continuing students. These include two types of semester-long departmental fellowships which provide stipends and tuition without teaching obligations. About 15-19 Special Graduate Assignments (SGA) are available to doctoral students each year, as well as 2-3 Rhodus Graduate Fellowships (RGF) for students with computational aspects to their studies.

Depending on current external funding, additional support may be available through the Mathematical Research Institute (MRI) and other departmental initiatives.


Summer Support

A variety of sources of support are available for the Summer Term. These include departmental Student Research Associateships (SRA), externally-funded Graduate Research Associateships (GRAs) and SRAs, as well as several teaching positions. In recent years, the department has been able to provide funding for the vast majority (>90%) of students requesting summer support.


Headstart Training

Each new math graduate student participates in the mandatory Headstart Training Program in the 4 weeks before the Autumn Semester begins. Monetary compensation is provided during this initial training. 


Tuition Waivers & Health Insurance Subsidy

All of the Graduate Associateship and Fellowship positions above include automatic fee waivers of instructional and general tuition fees. Moreover, the university has an 100% subsidy for the cost of health insurance premiums. Fees which are not covered and may be deducted from your stipend include: 

  • COTA Bus Fee
  • Student Activity Fee
  • Student Union Facility Fee
  • Recreational Fee

In addition, students who held Graduate Associateship and Fellowship positions during the academic year receive the tuition waiver in the following summer regardless of holding a GA position or fellowship. More information about these fees may be obtained from the OSU Registrar.


Academic Pay Levels

In terms of pay and academic progress, students are organized into four categories during their graduate career within the department. They are listed below with descriptions:

  • MMS Level: All MMS students   (This program is currently suspended.)
  • PhD-M Level: All new PhD students
  • PhD-C Level: PhD students who have achieved Candidacy Status according to the Graduate School Handbook
  • O-Level: Reduced-level for students not conforming with program time or performance expectations

Consult the latest Annual GTA Terms and Conditions for the pay scales associated with these levels.


Travel Support

Thanks to The William A. Henson Endowed Mathematics Student Travel Fund¹ the OSU Mathematics Department is able to provide graduate student travel support for students to participate in relevant academic and professional events beyond the local area. Students interested in applying for this travel support must fill out the online Math Grad Travel Support Request and their Advisor will need to provide a Letter of Support to the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC). This should be done at least 6 weeks prior to the event start date for the GSC to make a decision. You will then be notified of the results. Students on Presidential Fellowship should utilize the travel funds available through the Graduate School first.

¹ Established February 10, 2012, by the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University, with gifts from William A. Henson (B.S. 1978).

The Ray Travel Award from the Council of Graduate Students encourages and enables graduate students across the university to participate in professional conferences, both in their respective fields and in the broader academic community, by reimbursing or partially reimbursing the expenses incurred by graduate students during travel to conferences and meetings to present original research.  This award gives substantial weight to the applicant's service to their department, the university, and the surrounding community.  This award is open four times per year - get more details.



Graduate Office
Department of Mathematics
The Ohio State University
231 W 18th Avenue (MA 102)
Columbus, Ohio 43210
United States of America                

Phone: (614) 292-6274
Fax: (614) 292-1479

Grad Info (for prospective applicants and other 
Grad Office (for current students in our program)

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