Beyond the Classroom

Beyond the Classroom is a non-residential summer program sponsored by the OSU Department of Mathematics. This program invites middle and high school students to experience mathematics through engaging activities in an untraditional environment. For more information, and to apply, see BTC.
Ross Mathematics Program

The Ross Program is an intensive summer experience designed to encourage motivated pre-college students to explore mathematics. During those six weeks, students are immersed in a world of mathematical discovery. The central goal of the Ross Program has always been to instruct bright young students in the art of mathematical thinking and to inspire them to discover for themselves that abstract ideas are valuable and important. First year participants take the basic course in number theory. For more information, and to apply, see the Ross Mathematics Program website.
Research Opportunities in Mathematics for Underrepresented Students (ROMUS)

The Department of Mathematics at the Ohio State University invites undergraduate students, especially those who are underrepresented in math, to pursue research under the tutelage of experienced faculty members. Students work with a faculty member on a project of mutual interest for 8-10 weeks during the summer. In addition to the research projects, all accepted students will participate in various cohort activities. We will support travel, housing accommodations, and a stipend of $5000 for all participating students.
The projects will be in the areas of analysis of PDEs and mathematical finance, ergodic theory and dynamical systems, combinatorics, model theory, algebraic geometry, and quantum algebra, category theory, and operator algebra and operator theory.
To apply, please submit a transcript, a CV/resume, a personal statement, and a letter of recommendation through this website.
Applications are due January 15 and decisions will be made in late January and early February. All applications will be submitted through at this link: For further questions, please contact
YMC (Young Mathematicians Conference)

YMC The Young Mathematicians Conference (YMC) is a premier annual conference for undergraduate research in mathematics. Accepted students (typically around 65) are invited with support to the conference during a weekend at the Department of Mathematics of the Ohio State University. Every conference includes lectures by highly accomplished researchers and educators, representatives from various PhD programs around the country, a venue for young mathematicians to collaborate and the opportunity to meet faculty mentors of undergraduate research projects. For more information, and to apply, see YMC.