Identifying Math Transfer Credit
Students should identify all math credit awarded by OSU. Students can review their transfer credit on their Transfer Credit Report [pdf].
Types of Credit Found on the Transfer Credit Report (TCR)
Types of Math Transfer Credit
These courses will temporarily be approved as "General" (G000.xx) or "Deferred" (D000.xx) credit until the Department of Mathematics can evaluate the course content and syllabus further to determine an OSU equivalent. Students with unevaluated math credit, general (Math G000.xx) or deferred (Math D000.xx), must have their courses evaluated by the Department of Mathematics.
Math Transfer Credit must be evaluated before attending orientation. Review Evaluate Math Transfer Credit for instructions.
These courses are well-known direct matches to OSU courses and will automatically transfer to an OSU course upon receiving a final transcript. These courses are listed on your Transfer Credit Report with a course number, such as "Math 1150".
Students can review details about the math courses taught at OSU. Students that have earned credit for Math 1040, Math 1074, and Math 1144 should review Courses Only Used for Transfer Credit for information about these courses.
Direct equivalents do not need to be evaluated further by the department.
These courses are indicated as Math S000.xx (Special credit) and Math T000.xx (Technical credit) on your Transfer Credit Report. These courses cannot be evaluated. Review Special and Technical Credit for details to understand this credit.
Please refer to the Registrar's page: Credit by Validation