Students completing a Mathematics degree must complete two different set of requirements, general education (GE) and major requirements.
General Education (GE) Requirements
Every student at Ohio State will take General Education courses. Although these GE courses are meant to provide a broad baseline of learning, often times the courses supplement the student’s major or program.
GE Legacy (GEL) for students admitted before Autumn 2022: GE Requirements (GEL)
GE New (GEN) for students admitted Autumn 2022 or after: GE Requirements (GEN)
Mathematics Major Requirements
The Department of Mathematics offers a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, six major tracks, and the possibility of double majors and/or dual degrees. Here students can find the details about the different tracks, majors, the possibilities of double majors and dual degrees.

The Math Theoretical Track is intended for students seeking a strong foundation in the theory of modern mathematics. Students with a background in theoretical mathematics are well-placed to develop careers in fields of science and technology, finance and risk analysis, research and industry, and teaching. Those students who intend to pursue graduate studies in mathematics or other areas should take strong honors math courses.

Applied Math has two options, the Physics or Chemistry track. The Applied Math concentration is intended for students seeking a strong foundation in mathematics and its application to industrial and physical sciences. Students will be well prepared for a career or graduate-level study in engineering, computer science, physics, architecture and more.

"Mathematics is applicable to many different aspects of biology, and new applications are continually being found." The Math Biology track is designed to prepare a student for research-based careers and graduate studies in biological and medical fields such as (but not limited to) genomics, neuroscience, and molecular modeling.

The Education Track is designed for students seeking secondary education licensure in mathematics. Students in the Math Education track will seek teaching certification in a graduate school setting after their undergraduate degree. By learning the foundational logic within a wide scope of math topics from calculus to abstract algebra, this track helps to generate strong educators with exemplary content knowledge as well as the ability to analyze, decipher, and explain math in diverse ways.

The Financial Math track is designed for students seeking a career in quantitative finance or a related field. Students planning to pursue graduate studies in financial mathematics are strongly encouraged to take the honors versions of the mathematics courses, whenever possible.
Double Majors and Dual Degrees
The Department of Mathematics has developed a double major that combines the mathematics and actuarial science majors. Students will receive the foundations in actuarial science while strengthening their skills in classical mathematics. Students will have a strong background to enter the actuarial science field or attend graduate school.
Students also have the opportunity to complete a math major and any other major at OSU to earn a double major or a dual degree.