The Ohio State Math Department Diversity and Departmental Climate Committee was founded in 2018. The Committee includes representatives from all sectors of the department (Faculty, Associated Faculty, Postdocs, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, Staff/Academic Advisors).

The committee works with faculty, staff, students, and constituents in the Mathematics department towards the following interconnected goals:
Diversity: Promoting Equity and Inclusion at all levels of the Mathematics department.
Departmental Climate and Culture: Improving the day-to-day experience of being a member of the Mathematics department.
Members of the department can make suggestions towards these goals by submitting our contact form.

Statement of Values
As a department of The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences, we share the College’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.
The 2018-2019 committee unanimously endorsed the axioms described by Federico Ardila:
Axiom 1: Mathematical talent is distributed equally among different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic, and economic boundaries.
Axiom 2: Everyone can have joyful, meaningful, and empowering mathematical experiences.
Axiom 3: Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs.
Axiom 4: Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
The Ohio State Office of Postdoctoral Affairs issued a statement on BLM, with links to reading and resources. We further support the statement issued by the OSU Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures condemning racism toward Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.

Featured Mathematician
We will feature a member of the department each semester. Our first featured member coming soon.
In Support of Diversity in the Mathematics Department

Association for Women in Mathematics
Local chapter:

Ohio State is a Gold Member of the Math Alliance


Ohio State Department of Mathematics Outreach Group

Ohio State Women in Math and Science

Mathematically Gifted and Black

Ohio State National Society of Black Engineers