September 14, 2022
Scott Laboratory E0001
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2022-09-14 15:10:00
2022-09-14 16:40:00
Invitations to Mathematics - Michael Lipnowski
Title: Algorithms for covering by balls
Speaker: Michael Lipnowski
Abstract: Motivated by some problems in number theory (about the topology of arithmetic groups and actions of Hecke operators thereon), I'll describe an algorithm to effectively cover metric spaces by balls. Attempts to efficiently cover lead to some interesting questions in computational geometry, also to be discussed.
Note: This is part of the Invitations to Mathematics lecture series given each year in Autumn Semester. Pre-candidacy PhD students can sign up for this lecture series by registering for one or two credit hours of Math 6193 with Professor Nimish Shah.
Scott Laboratory E0001
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2022-09-14 16:10:00
2022-09-14 17:40:00
Invitations to Mathematics - Michael Lipnowski
Title: Algorithms for covering by balls
Speaker: Michael Lipnowski
Abstract: Motivated by some problems in number theory (about the topology of arithmetic groups and actions of Hecke operators thereon), I'll describe an algorithm to effectively cover metric spaces by balls. Attempts to efficiently cover lead to some interesting questions in computational geometry, also to be discussed.
Note: This is part of the Invitations to Mathematics lecture series given each year in Autumn Semester. Pre-candidacy PhD students can sign up for this lecture series by registering for one or two credit hours of Math 6193 with Professor Nimish Shah.
Scott Laboratory E0001
Title: Algorithms for covering by balls
Speaker: Michael Lipnowski
Abstract: Motivated by some problems in number theory (about the topology of arithmetic groups and actions of Hecke operators thereon), I'll describe an algorithm to effectively cover metric spaces by balls. Attempts to efficiently cover lead to some interesting questions in computational geometry, also to be discussed.
Note: This is part of the Invitations to Mathematics lecture series given each year in Autumn Semester. Pre-candidacy PhD students can sign up for this lecture series by registering for one or two credit hours of Math 6193 with Professor Nimish Shah.