Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar - Zachary Dell

Zachary Dell
June 6, 2017
2:00PM - 3:00PM
Math Tower 154

Date Range
2017-06-06 14:00:00 2017-06-06 15:00:00 Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar - Zachary Dell Title: Jones' basic constructionSpeaker: Zachary Dell (Ohio State University)Abstract: We will define the basic construction $\langle M , N \rangle$ for an inclusion $N \subseteq M$ of finite von Neumann algebras, giving some simple examples and elementary properties. Particular attention will be given to the finite dimensional case, including Bratteli diagrams and the Markov property. Math Tower 154 America/New_York public
June 8, 2017
2:00PM - 3:00PM
Math Tower 154

Date Range
2017-06-08 14:00:00 2017-06-08 15:00:00 Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar - Zachary Dell Title: Jones' basic constructionSpeaker: Zachary Dell (Ohio State University)Abstract: We will define the basic construction $\langle M , N \rangle$ for an inclusion $N \subseteq M$ of finite von Neumann algebras, giving some simple examples and elementary properties. Particular attention will be given to the finite dimensional case, including Bratteli diagrams and the Markov property. Math Tower 154 America/New_York public

Title: Jones' basic construction

SpeakerZachary Dell (Ohio State University)

Abstract: We will define the basic construction $\langle M , N \rangle$ for an inclusion $N \subseteq M$ of finite von Neumann algebras, giving some simple examples and elementary properties. Particular attention will be given to the finite dimensional case, including Bratteli diagrams and the Markov property.

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