October 25, 2023
Scott Lab N050
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2023-10-25 15:15:00
2023-10-25 16:15:00
Rado Lecture 3: The Universe from a Single Particle
Title: Lecture 3: The Universe from a Single Particle
Speaker: Michael Freedman
Abstract: Four papers, recently appearing in JHEP, describe numerical experiments which show an “operator level” spontaneous symmetry breaking, in which tensor structures spontaneously emerge from minimizing certain loss-functionals on the symmetries of Hilbert space. Since tensor product models disjoint union, this may be interpreted as “one thing” becoming “many”, hence the title. This is joint work with Moj Shokrian-Zini (first three papers) and (Adam Brown and Shokrian-Zini) (in the fourth).
Scott Lab N050
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2023-10-25 16:15:00
2023-10-25 17:15:00
Rado Lecture 3: The Universe from a Single Particle
Title: Lecture 3: The Universe from a Single Particle
Speaker: Michael Freedman
Abstract: Four papers, recently appearing in JHEP, describe numerical experiments which show an “operator level” spontaneous symmetry breaking, in which tensor structures spontaneously emerge from minimizing certain loss-functionals on the symmetries of Hilbert space. Since tensor product models disjoint union, this may be interpreted as “one thing” becoming “many”, hence the title. This is joint work with Moj Shokrian-Zini (first three papers) and (Adam Brown and Shokrian-Zini) (in the fourth).
Scott Lab N050
Title: Lecture 3: The Universe from a Single Particle
Speaker: Michael Freedman
Abstract: Four papers, recently appearing in JHEP, describe numerical experiments which show an “operator level” spontaneous symmetry breaking, in which tensor structures spontaneously emerge from minimizing certain loss-functionals on the symmetries of Hilbert space. Since tensor product models disjoint union, this may be interpreted as “one thing” becoming “many”, hence the title. This is joint work with Moj Shokrian-Zini (first three papers) and (Adam Brown and Shokrian-Zini) (in the fourth).