Special Event - Jessica Ellis

Jessica Ellis
April 23, 2015
3:00PM - 4:00PM
Cockins Hall 240

Date Range
2015-04-23 15:00:00 2015-04-23 16:00:00 Special Event - Jessica Ellis Title: The features of successful college calculus programs: An overview of the CSPCC project's main findingsSpeaker: Jessica Ellis (Colorado State University)Seminar URL: https://research.math.osu.edu/education/#9705060Abstract: Calculus I has been pointed to as a major contributing factor in students’ decisions to not pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines, despite years of research and innovations focused on improving calculus instruction. Motivated by this, the MAA has worked with researchers in mathematics and mathematics education to examine the current state of Calculus I programs across the country, identify institutions with more successful Calculus I programs, and conduct case studies at these institutions to understand the factors contributing to their success. In this talk I will highlight the major findings from the Characteristics of Successful Programs in College Calculus (CSPCC) project, many of which will be featured in a monograph to be published later this year. First I will draw on the survey data to discuss the current state of Calculus I across the country, particularly drawing attention to what this data tells us about the students who persist in their STEM disciplines after taking Calculus I and those that don’t. Second, I will summarize the key findings from our case studies, paying special attention to the preparation of graduate students involved in the teaching of Calculus I. Time permitting, I will also discuss our current work on a follow-up grant in which we are investigating the precalculus/calculus sequence. Cockins Hall 240 America/New_York public

Title: The features of successful college calculus programs: An overview of the CSPCC project's main findings

Speaker: Jessica Ellis (Colorado State University)

Seminar URL: https://research.math.osu.edu/education/#9705060

Abstract: Calculus I has been pointed to as a major contributing factor in students’ decisions to not pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines, despite years of research and innovations focused on improving calculus instruction. Motivated by this, the MAA has worked with researchers in mathematics and mathematics education to examine the current state of Calculus I programs across the country, identify institutions with more successful Calculus I programs, and conduct case studies at these institutions to understand the factors contributing to their success. In this talk I will highlight the major findings from the Characteristics of Successful Programs in College Calculus (CSPCC) project, many of which will be featured in a monograph to be published later this year. First I will draw on the survey data to discuss the current state of Calculus I across the country, particularly drawing attention to what this data tells us about the students who persist in their STEM disciplines after taking Calculus I and those that don’t. Second, I will summarize the key findings from our case studies, paying special attention to the preparation of graduate students involved in the teaching of Calculus I. Time permitting, I will also discuss our current work on a follow-up grant in which we are investigating the precalculus/calculus sequence.

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