What is...? Seminar - Boris Mityagin

Boris Mityagin
June 25, 2019
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Scott Lab N050

Date Range
2019-06-25 16:00:00 2019-06-25 17:00:00 What is...? Seminar - Boris Mityagin Title: What is a Sylvester Matrix? Speaker: Boris Mityagin (Ohio State University) Abstract: Since the 1850's, matrices   play an important, sometimes surprising, role in numerical analysis, probability theory, stochastic processes, statistical physics, quantum mechanics, number theory, etc. We focus on two elementary questions: what are the eigenvalues of $S_n$; combinatorial identities with squares of integers (and random walks on a plane). Homework assignment: Do [1]. Seminar URL: http://math.osu.edu/whatis Scott Lab N050 America/New_York public

Title: What is a Sylvester Matrix?

Speaker: Boris Mityagin (Ohio State University)

Abstract: Since the 1850's, matrices


Sylvester Matrix

play an important, sometimes surprising, role in numerical analysis, probability theory, stochastic processes, statistical physics, quantum mechanics, number theory, etc.

We focus on two elementary questions:

  1. what are the eigenvalues of $S_n$;
  2. combinatorial identities with squares of integers (and random walks on a plane).

Homework assignment: Do [1].

Seminar URL: http://math.osu.edu/whatis

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