June 25, 2019
Scott Lab N050
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2019-06-25 16:00:00
2019-06-25 17:00:00
What is...? Seminar - Boris Mityagin
Title: What is a Sylvester Matrix?
Speaker: Boris Mityagin (Ohio State University)
Abstract: Since the 1850's, matrices
play an important, sometimes surprising, role in numerical analysis, probability theory, stochastic processes, statistical physics, quantum mechanics, number theory, etc.
We focus on two elementary questions:
what are the eigenvalues of $S_n$;
combinatorial identities with squares of integers (and random walks on a plane).
Homework assignment: Do [1].
Seminar URL: http://math.osu.edu/whatis
Scott Lab N050
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2019-06-25 16:00:00
2019-06-25 17:00:00
What is...? Seminar - Boris Mityagin
Title: What is a Sylvester Matrix?
Speaker: Boris Mityagin (Ohio State University)
Abstract: Since the 1850's, matrices
play an important, sometimes surprising, role in numerical analysis, probability theory, stochastic processes, statistical physics, quantum mechanics, number theory, etc.
We focus on two elementary questions:
what are the eigenvalues of $S_n$;
combinatorial identities with squares of integers (and random walks on a plane).
Homework assignment: Do [1].
Seminar URL: http://math.osu.edu/whatis
Scott Lab N050
Title: What is a Sylvester Matrix?
Speaker: Boris Mityagin (Ohio State University)
Abstract: Since the 1850's, matrices

play an important, sometimes surprising, role in numerical analysis, probability theory, stochastic processes, statistical physics, quantum mechanics, number theory, etc.
We focus on two elementary questions:
- what are the eigenvalues of $S_n$;
- combinatorial identities with squares of integers (and random walks on a plane).
Homework assignment: Do [1].
Seminar URL: http://math.osu.edu/whatis