April 6, 2020
Hitchcock Hall 031
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2020-04-06 15:15:00
2020-04-06 16:15:00
CANCELLED - Zassenhaus Lecture - Mladen Bestvina
Title: Lecture 1. PL Morse theory and finiteness properties of groups
Speaker: Mladen Bestvina - University of Utah
Abstract: The most basic question about a given (discrete) group $G$ is whether it is finitely generated, or finitely presented, or ... whether it has a classifying space with the finite n-skeleton (following CTC Wall we say $G$ has type $F_n$). In this talk, I will present a version of Morse theory suitable for exploring the topology of a simplicial or a cubical complex and will exhibit groups of type $F_n$ but not $F_{n+1}$. I will then talk about some more recent developments in this subject. This talk is based on my work with Noel Brady.
Hitchcock Hall 031
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2020-04-06 16:15:00
2020-04-06 17:15:00
CANCELLED - Zassenhaus Lecture - Mladen Bestvina
Title: Lecture 1. PL Morse theory and finiteness properties of groups
Speaker: Mladen Bestvina - University of Utah
Abstract: The most basic question about a given (discrete) group $G$ is whether it is finitely generated, or finitely presented, or ... whether it has a classifying space with the finite n-skeleton (following CTC Wall we say $G$ has type $F_n$). In this talk, I will present a version of Morse theory suitable for exploring the topology of a simplicial or a cubical complex and will exhibit groups of type $F_n$ but not $F_{n+1}$. I will then talk about some more recent developments in this subject. This talk is based on my work with Noel Brady.
Hitchcock Hall 031
Title: Lecture 1. PL Morse theory and finiteness properties of groups
Speaker: Mladen Bestvina - University of Utah
Abstract: The most basic question about a given (discrete) group $G$ is whether it is finitely generated, or finitely presented, or ... whether it has a classifying space with the finite n-skeleton (following CTC Wall we say $G$ has type $F_n$). In this talk, I will present a version of Morse theory suitable for exploring the topology of a simplicial or a cubical complex and will exhibit groups of type $F_n$ but not $F_{n+1}$. I will then talk about some more recent developments in this subject. This talk is based on my work with Noel Brady.