Actuarial science alumnus Martin Molloy has been a consulting actuary with Aon for more than 20 years. Aon is a leading global provider of risk management, insurance and reinsurance brokerage, and human resources services, and Molloy is currently an associate partner. A Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and an Enrolled Actuary, Molloy works with large financial systems which have unknown future risks. He helps his clients with the design and maintenance of their benefit programs, and he works with companies in evaluating the performance of these programs to keep their systems financially healthy. Through many years of experience and achievements, Molloy has established himself as a business leader. In 2018, he was named a Power Broker for Employee Benefits by Risk & Insurance.

Molloy has not only been successful in his career, he has also been active in service to his profession, the community, and especially the Department of Mathematics at Ohio State. Since graduating from Ohio State, Molloy has kept a constant connection with the department through the actuarial science program. Every spring, he leads a team of actuaries from Aon to conduct class projects on actuarial consulting for Math 3588: Practicum in Actuarial Science. And every autumn, he leads an information session on actuarial consulting and conducts on-campus interviews for Aon’s summer internships and full-time positions. The math department has been holding an annual actuarial reception to connect students with business, and Molloy has never missed a single one. Two years ago, the department formed an Advisory Board in order to hear opinions and receive advice from friends of the department who have excelled in a wide variety of careers and pursuits related to the mathematical sciences, and Molloy has served as chair of the board since its inception. The department is grateful to Molloy for his generosity in continually giving his time, efforts and support.