Dear Friends of the Department,
Welcome to our spring newsletter! As you might know from our last newsletter, I served as interim chair during the 2018-19 academic year. I have now accepted a regular four year term as department chair. During these coming years, I look forward to increased engagement of the department with the broader community.
This issue of our newsletter contains an article on our local chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), a national organization promoting equal opportunity and equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences. We also have an article on our new outreach organization, Buckeye Aha! Math-Moments (BAMM), which is aimed at increasing the public awareness, appreciation, and enjoyment of mathematics. Another article discusses our participation in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM). This summer, the department will be hosting another iteration of the Young Mathematicians Conference (YMC), one of the premiere venues for presentations of undergraduate research. Our final article discusses the recent expansion of our honors options for our undergraduate majors. In addition to these articles, this issue contains some spotlights on select members of our community.
As the department gears up for its summer activities, we hope you will enjoy reading our newsletter. And as always, we encourage you to consider donating funds to help support our departmental activities.
Enjoy your summer!