The explosion of research in the life sciences has created the need:
- To develop mathematical theories, statistical methods, and computational algorithms for the solution of fundamental problems in the biosciences;
- To involve mathematical scientists and bioscientists in the solutions of these problems;
- To nurture a community of scholars through education and support of students and researchers in mathematical biosciences.
The mission of the Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) is to address these needs. The MBI catalyzes interactions between the biological, medical, and mathematical sciences through vigorous programs of research and education.
To support this mission, the MBI reinforces and builds upon existing research efforts in mathematical bioscience and encourages human and intellectual growth in this area. Emphasis year programs, current topics workshops, educational programs, and sponsored research projects are the structure under which these goals will be achieved.
One of the educational programs available to undergraduate students is the Summer Program. This three week program consists of a one-week tutorial on mathematics, biology, and modeling, and two, one-week team projects. The team projects will deal with modeling and computation of topics introduced in the tutorial. The participants will be graduate students, undergraduate students, college teachers, and high school teachers. Examples of the themes of past summers have been: Ecology and Evolution, Microarray
Gene Expression Data Analysis, Cell Processes, and Neuronal Rhythms. Visit MBI for more information on the topics and application process. There is no registration fee for MBI programs.
The MBI receives major funding from the National Science Foundation Division of Mathematical Sciences and is supported by The Ohio State University.