Grad Student Travel Support Application

Indicates required field

Instructions, Rules & Procedures:

  1. All applicable form fields must be completed.
  2. Form should be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to intended travel.
  3. Request from your advisor a letter of support submitted to the Graduate Office.
  4. Travel should be for professional purposes (workshop, conference, research, job search, etc.).
  5. Travel must not conflict with teaching duties. Please consult with Dr. Boros for permission and to arrange any necessary coverage prior to submission.

Completed applications will be reviewed by the Graduate Studies Committee. You may be offered full, partial, or no support. Important factors considered in the decision will include the academic merits of the travel and the amount of travel support previously awarded to the applicant. Please contact with any questions.

Personal Information
Support Information
Please list the amount of travel support you have previously obtained from the OSU Math Department. If you are unsure, you can check with Dawn Jones.
Please describe who/where else you have asked for support for this travel. Include inquiries to conference organizers, other institutions, external grants, etc.
Travel Information
Travel Expenses

Lodging, meals, etc.


By third parties listed above

Supporting Documentation

If you would like to submit multiple documents, please combine them into a single file prior to uploading.

Upload requirements
GTA Responsibility
If I am teaching, I confirm that Dr. Dan Boros and I have communicated about my absence and have arranged coverage for my GTA responsibilities.