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Clubs and Organizations for Graduate Students

The Department of Mathematics at the Ohio State University offers a wide variety of extracurricular and major-oriented activities designed for undergraduate students. Students significantly enrich their academic experience at Ohio State by being an active member of the OSU community. These activities allow students to connect with their peers in the department and in other majors.


Math Grad Student Association (MGSA)

Math Grad Student Association logo

The MGSA provides graduate students in the Department of Mathematics the opportunity to interact with each other and present their work to the members and other interested students as well as provide support and encouragement to all mathematics graduate students.

The MGSA's Math Grad Student Seminar is typically held every other Tuesday at 5:00pm in 240 Cockins Hall. All OSU graduate and undergraduate students are welcome.

For more information and seminar schedules please visit the MGSA website at https://org.osu.edu/mgsa/.


OSU LGBTQ+ in Math Alliance

Details coming soon.  For more information email math-lgbtq@osu.edu.