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Analysis Overview

MATH 4545: Analysis Overview

Topics in calculus and analysis.
Prereq: A grade or C- or above in 2153, 2162.xx, 2173, 2182H, or 4182H, or credit for 254, 263.xx, 263.01H, 264H, or equiv; and a grade of C- or above in 2568 or 5520H, or equiv; and Grad standing in Statistics or Biostatistics; and permission of department (Statistics or Biostatistics).
Credit Hours

Course Description Download:

Math 4545122.45 KB


Title: Introduction to Real Analysis, by William F. Trench, Edition 1.03,
Published: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, ISBN: 0-13-045786-8

Semester(s) Offered:
