Ian Cavey
Enumerative formulas for Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
The Hilbert schemes of points on a smooth algebraic surface are smooth varieties that parametrize finite closed subschemes of the surface of a fixed length. When the underlying surface is toric, global sections of line bundles on the surface correspond to integer points in an associated polygon. In this talk, I will explain how in certain cases the corresponding problem on the Hilbert scheme can be interpreted as a packing problem for integer points in the same polygon satisfying a certain separation condition. Such an interpretation is known for all ample line bundles on Hilbert schemes of points on Hirzebruch surfaces (for example P1 x P1) and is expected to hold more generally. Based on this counting interpretation for sections of ample line bundles, I will also give formula for the Euler characteristic of any line bundle on the Hilbert schemes of points on P1 x P1. The latter formula has applications to the Verlinde series introduced by Ellingsrud, Göttsche, and Lehn.