Analysis and Operator Theory Seminar - Tom Claeys

Ohio State Garden of Constants
October 3, 2024
3:00PM - 4:00PM

Date Range
2024-10-03 15:00:00 2024-10-03 16:00:00 Analysis and Operator Theory Seminar - Tom Claeys Tom ClaeysUCLouvain, BelgiumTitleBiorthogonal measures associated with polymer partition functionsAbstractI will explain how several exactly solvable polymer models are related to signed biorthogonal measures. These measures reduce to classical orthogonal polynomial ensembles in the zero-temperature limit. I will explain how asymptotic analysis of the signed biorthogonal measures provides insight in large deviations for the polymer partition functions and what the current limitations of this method are.The talk will be based on joint works with Mattia Cafasso and Julian Mauersberger. ZOOM coordinates: Meeting ID: 943 2808 9652Password: 31415 For More Information About the Seminar Zoom America/New_York public

Tom Claeys
UCLouvain, Belgium

Biorthogonal measures associated with polymer partition functions

I will explain how several exactly solvable polymer models are related to signed biorthogonal measures. These measures reduce to classical orthogonal polynomial ensembles in the zero-temperature limit. I will explain how asymptotic analysis of the signed biorthogonal measures provides insight in large deviations for the polymer partition functions and what the current limitations of this method are.
The talk will be based on joint works with Mattia Cafasso and Julian Mauersberger.


ZOOM coordinates:


Meeting ID: 943 2808 9652

Password: 31415


For More Information About the Seminar

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