On Brauer Groups of Smooth Toric Varieties and Toric Schemes over a Discrete Valuation Ring

Arithmetic Geometry Seminar
September 19, 2023
3:00PM - 4:00PM
Journalism 221

Date Range
2023-09-19 15:00:00 2023-09-19 16:00:00 On Brauer Groups of Smooth Toric Varieties and Toric Schemes over a Discrete Valuation Ring Speaker: Jonghoo Lee (OSU) Title: On Brauer Groups of Smooth Toric Varieties and Toric Schemes over a Discrete Valuation Ring  Abstract: In 1993, Demeyer and Ford computed the Brauer group of a smooth toric variety over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. One may pose the same question to the toric varieties over any field of positive characteristic. Another interesting question is what will happen if we replace the base field by a discrete valuation ring, thereby replacing smooth toric varieties by smooth toric schemes over a discrete valuation ring in the sense of Kempf-Knudsen-Mumford-Saint-Donat. In this talk. I am going to discuss the answers to these questions. This is joint work with Roy Joshua.   Journalism 221 America/New_York public

Speaker: Jonghoo Lee (OSU)

Title: On Brauer Groups of Smooth Toric Varieties and Toric Schemes over a Discrete Valuation Ring

 Abstract: In 1993, Demeyer and Ford computed the Brauer group of a smooth toric variety over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. One may pose the same question to the toric varieties over any field of positive characteristic. Another interesting question is what will happen if we replace the base field by a discrete valuation ring, thereby replacing smooth toric varieties by smooth toric schemes over a discrete valuation ring in the sense of Kempf-Knudsen-Mumford-Saint-Donat. In this talk. I am going to discuss the answers to these questions. This is joint work with Roy Joshua.

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