Counting fixed points of pseudo-Anosov maps

Geometric Group Theory Seminar
September 21, 2023
1:50PM - 2:50PM
MW 152

Date Range
2023-09-21 13:50:00 2023-09-21 14:50:00 Counting fixed points of pseudo-Anosov maps Title:  Counting fixed points of pseudo-Anosov maps Speaker:  David Futer (Temple University) Speaker's URL: Abstract:  Let S be a hyperbolic surface and f a pseudo-Anosov map on S. I will describe a result that predicts the number of fixed points of f, up to constants that depend only on the surface S. If f satisfies a mild condition called “strongly irreducible,” then the logarithm of the number of fixed points of f is coarsely equal to its translation length on the Teichmuller space of S. Without this mild condition, there is still a coarse formula. This result and its proof have some applications to the search for surface subgroups of mapping class groups, to the hyperbolic volume of mapping tori, and to the knot Floer invariants of fibered hyperbolic knots. This is joint work with Tarik Aougab and Sam Taylor. URL associated with Seminar: MW 152 America/New_York public

Title:  Counting fixed points of pseudo-Anosov maps

Speaker:  David Futer (Temple University)

Speaker's URL:

Abstract:  Let S be a hyperbolic surface and f a pseudo-Anosov map on S. I will describe a result that predicts the number of fixed points of f, up to constants that depend only on the surface S. If f satisfies a mild condition called “strongly irreducible,” then the logarithm of the number of fixed points of f is coarsely equal to its translation length on the Teichmuller space of S. Without this mild condition, there is still a coarse formula.

This result and its proof have some applications to the search for surface subgroups of mapping class groups, to the hyperbolic volume of mapping tori, and to the knot Floer invariants of fibered hyperbolic knots. This is joint work with Tarik Aougab and Sam Taylor.

URL associated with Seminar:

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