Ergodic Theory Seminar - Dave Constantine

October 9, 2024
12:30PM - 1:30PM
Math Tower (MW) 154

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2024-10-09 12:30:00 2024-10-09 13:30:00 Ergodic Theory Seminar - Dave Constantine Dave ConstantineWesleyan UniversityTitleSub-actions and marked length spectrum rigidity for some locally CAT(-1) spacesAbstractLet $\phi_t$ be a flow on $X$ and $A:X\to\mathbb{R}$ a Holder function. If $\int_0^T A(\phi_t x)dt \geq V(\phi_T x)-V(x)$ for all $x$ and $T$, $V$ is a sub-action for $A$. A clear necessary condition for the existence of a sub-action is that the integral of $A$ around any closed orbit is nonnegative. Lopes and Thieullen prove that this condition is sufficient for Anosov flows, providing what can be thought of as a positive Livsic theorem. In this talk I'll explain how we generalize their work to geodesic flow on locally CAT(-1) spaces. We then apply this result to certain locally CAT(-1) spaces where marked length spectrum rigidity is known (surface amalgams and Fuchsian building quotients provide some examples). We prove that if there is a marked length spectrum inequality between two spaces, yet their volume is the same, they are in fact isometric, using a proof strategy due to Croke and Dairbekov. This is joint work with Elvin Shrestha and Yandi Wu.For More Information About the Seminar Math Tower (MW) 154 America/New_York public

Dave Constantine
Wesleyan University

Sub-actions and marked length spectrum rigidity for some locally CAT(-1) spaces

Let $\phi_t$ be a flow on $X$ and $A:X\to\mathbb{R}$ a Holder function. If $\int_0^T A(\phi_t x)dt \geq V(\phi_T x)-V(x)$ for all $x$ and $T$, $V$ is a sub-action for $A$. A clear necessary condition for the existence of a sub-action is that the integral of $A$ around any closed orbit is nonnegative. Lopes and Thieullen prove that this condition is sufficient for Anosov flows, providing what can be thought of as a positive Livsic theorem. In this talk I'll explain how we generalize their work to geodesic flow on locally CAT(-1) spaces. We then apply this result to certain locally CAT(-1) spaces where marked length spectrum rigidity is known (surface amalgams and Fuchsian building quotients provide some examples). We prove that if there is a marked length spectrum inequality between two spaces, yet their volume is the same, they are in fact isometric, using a proof strategy due to Croke and Dairbekov. This is joint work with Elvin Shrestha and Yandi Wu.

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