March 19, 2025
Math Tower (MW) 154
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2025-03-19 12:30:00
2025-03-19 13:30:00
Ergodic Theory Seminar - Tariq Osman
Tariq OsmanBrandeis UniversityTitleLimit Theorems for Siegel Theta SeriesAbstractGiven a quadratic form, Q, in k variables, and fixed weight function, f, we define its associated Siegel theta series as:S^Q_N(t) := \sum_{n \in \Z^k} f(N^{-1} n) e^{\pi i Q(n) t},where t is a real number in the interval [0,1]. Such sums have found application in various problems from number theory to mathematical physics.We discuss how dynamical methods can be used to prove the existence of the limit distribution for appropriately normalized theta series in the case when Q is a generic quadratic form, and f is a Schwartz function. This is part of work in progress with J. Griffin and J. Marklof.For More Information About the Seminar
Math Tower (MW) 154
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2025-03-19 12:30:00
2025-03-19 13:30:00
Ergodic Theory Seminar - Tariq Osman
Tariq OsmanBrandeis UniversityTitleLimit Theorems for Siegel Theta SeriesAbstractGiven a quadratic form, Q, in k variables, and fixed weight function, f, we define its associated Siegel theta series as:S^Q_N(t) := \sum_{n \in \Z^k} f(N^{-1} n) e^{\pi i Q(n) t},where t is a real number in the interval [0,1]. Such sums have found application in various problems from number theory to mathematical physics.We discuss how dynamical methods can be used to prove the existence of the limit distribution for appropriately normalized theta series in the case when Q is a generic quadratic form, and f is a Schwartz function. This is part of work in progress with J. Griffin and J. Marklof.For More Information About the Seminar
Math Tower (MW) 154
Tariq Osman
Brandeis University
Limit Theorems for Siegel Theta Series
Given a quadratic form, Q, in k variables, and fixed weight function, f, we define its associated Siegel theta series as:
S^Q_N(t) := \sum_{n \in \Z^k} f(N^{-1} n) e^{\pi i Q(n) t},
where t is a real number in the interval [0,1]. Such sums have found application in various problems from number theory to mathematical physics.
We discuss how dynamical methods can be used to prove the existence of the limit distribution for appropriately normalized theta series in the case when Q is a generic quadratic form, and f is a Schwartz function. This is part of work in progress with J. Griffin and J. Marklof.