Title: An Introduction to Relative Homological Algebra for Persistence Theory
Speaker: Eric Hanson (NCSU)
Speaker's URL: https://sites.google.com/view/erichanson/
Abstract: A common approach to studying multiparameter persistence modules is to introduce some "invariant" to determine the similarity between two given modules. In this talk, we discuss recent research which utilizes techniques from (relative) homological algebra to interpret classical examples of invariants and define new invariants. The Hilbert function and (generalizations of) the rank invariant serve as our main examples. The talk will also serve as a light introduction to the field of relative homological algebra. Portions of the talk are based on joint works with Claire Amiot, Benjamin Blanchette, Thomas Brüstle, Steve Oudot, and Luis Scoccola.
URL associated with Seminar: https://tgda.osu.edu/