November 10, 2021
Journalism (JR) 270
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2021-11-10 16:10:00
2021-11-10 17:40:00
Invitations to Mathematics - Michael Davis
Title: The geometry and topology of reflection groups
Speaker: Michael Davis
Abstract: A Coxeter group could be called an "abstract reflection group." There are two methods of realizing an abstract reflection group W as a group of symmetries of a geometric object. The first, due to Tits, is as a group generated by reflections on an open cone in some vector space. The second, due to Davis and Moussong, is as a group generated by isometric reflections on a certain cell complex (where a "cell" is a convex polytope in some Euclidean space). In both cases the underlying topological space is contractible.
Journalism (JR) 270
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2021-11-10 16:10:00
2021-11-10 17:40:00
Invitations to Mathematics - Michael Davis
Title: The geometry and topology of reflection groups
Speaker: Michael Davis
Abstract: A Coxeter group could be called an "abstract reflection group." There are two methods of realizing an abstract reflection group W as a group of symmetries of a geometric object. The first, due to Tits, is as a group generated by reflections on an open cone in some vector space. The second, due to Davis and Moussong, is as a group generated by isometric reflections on a certain cell complex (where a "cell" is a convex polytope in some Euclidean space). In both cases the underlying topological space is contractible.
Journalism (JR) 270
Title: The geometry and topology of reflection groups
Speaker: Michael Davis
Abstract: A Coxeter group could be called an "abstract reflection group." There are two methods of realizing an abstract reflection group W as a group of symmetries of a geometric object. The first, due to Tits, is as a group generated by reflections on an open cone in some vector space. The second, due to Davis and Moussong, is as a group generated by isometric reflections on a certain cell complex (where a "cell" is a convex polytope in some Euclidean space). In both cases the underlying topological space is contractible.