September 10, 2024
Math Tower (MW) 154
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2024-09-10 10:20:00
2024-09-10 11:20:00
PDE Seminar - Timur Akhunov
Timur AkhunovWabash CollegeTitleModified energy method for illposedness of dispersive equationsAbstractKorteweg and de Vries in 1890s derived an equation that bears their name to elucidate unusual behavior of water waves. They discovered solitons that behave like billiard balls when interacting. Can solitons be made compactly supported? Rosenau-Hyman in 93 proposed partial differential equations with such solutions that they dubbed “compactons”. Wellposedness of compacton equations is poorly understood. A plausible avenue to prove illposedness results is a modified energy method. For More Information About the Seminar
Math Tower (MW) 154
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2024-09-10 10:20:00
2024-09-10 11:20:00
PDE Seminar - Timur Akhunov
Timur AkhunovWabash CollegeTitleModified energy method for illposedness of dispersive equationsAbstractKorteweg and de Vries in 1890s derived an equation that bears their name to elucidate unusual behavior of water waves. They discovered solitons that behave like billiard balls when interacting. Can solitons be made compactly supported? Rosenau-Hyman in 93 proposed partial differential equations with such solutions that they dubbed “compactons”. Wellposedness of compacton equations is poorly understood. A plausible avenue to prove illposedness results is a modified energy method. For More Information About the Seminar
Math Tower (MW) 154
Timur Akhunov
Wabash College
Modified energy method for illposedness of dispersive equations
Korteweg and de Vries in 1890s derived an equation that bears their name to elucidate unusual behavior of water waves. They discovered solitons that behave like billiard balls when interacting. Can solitons be made compactly supported? Rosenau-Hyman in 93 proposed partial differential equations with such solutions that they dubbed “compactons”. Wellposedness of compacton equations is poorly understood. A plausible avenue to prove illposedness results is a modified energy method.