March 30, 2017
Cockins Hall 240
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2017-03-30 12:50:00
2017-03-30 13:50:00
Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar - Diana Hubbard
Title: An annular refinement of the transverse element in Khovanov homologySpeaker: Diana Hubbard (University of Michigan)Abstract: In 2006, Plamenevskaya proved that the homology class of a certain distinguished element in Khovanov homology is an invariant of transverse links. In this talk I will define an annular refinement of this element, kappa, and I will show that while kappa is not an invariant of transverse links, it is a conjugacy class invariant of braids. We will see applications of kappa relating to transverse links, braid destabilization, and the word problem in the braid group. This work is joint with Adam Saltz.Seminar URL:
Cockins Hall 240
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2017-03-30 13:50:00
2017-03-30 14:50:00
Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar - Diana Hubbard
Title: An annular refinement of the transverse element in Khovanov homologySpeaker: Diana Hubbard (University of Michigan)Abstract: In 2006, Plamenevskaya proved that the homology class of a certain distinguished element in Khovanov homology is an invariant of transverse links. In this talk I will define an annular refinement of this element, kappa, and I will show that while kappa is not an invariant of transverse links, it is a conjugacy class invariant of braids. We will see applications of kappa relating to transverse links, braid destabilization, and the word problem in the braid group. This work is joint with Adam Saltz.Seminar URL:
Cockins Hall 240
Title: An annular refinement of the transverse element in Khovanov homology
Speaker: Diana Hubbard (University of Michigan)
Abstract: In 2006, Plamenevskaya proved that the homology class of a certain distinguished element in Khovanov homology is an invariant of transverse links. In this talk I will define an annular refinement of this element, kappa, and I will show that while kappa is not an invariant of transverse links, it is a conjugacy class invariant of braids. We will see applications of kappa relating to transverse links, braid destabilization, and the word problem in the braid group. This work is joint with Adam Saltz.
Seminar URL: