August 28, 2018
Bolz Hall 422
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2018-08-28 13:50:00
2018-08-28 14:50:00
Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar - Marcel Bischoff
Title: Automorphisms of Lagrangian algebras
Speaker: Marcel Bischoff (Ohio University)
Abstract: A commutative algebra in a non-degenerate braided category is called Lagrangian if the category of local modules is trivial. Lagrangian algebras arise e.g. in gapped boundaries of topological phases of matter or in conformal field theory. Motivated by orbifolds of holomorphic conformal field theories and their global symmetries, I will discuss automorphism groups of Lagrangian algebras in Drinfel'd centers of finite groups and their associated 3-cocycles (anomalies). The talk is based on joint work in progress with A. Davydov and D.A. Simmons
Bolz Hall 422
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2018-08-28 13:50:00
2018-08-28 14:50:00
Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar - Marcel Bischoff
Title: Automorphisms of Lagrangian algebras
Speaker: Marcel Bischoff (Ohio University)
Abstract: A commutative algebra in a non-degenerate braided category is called Lagrangian if the category of local modules is trivial. Lagrangian algebras arise e.g. in gapped boundaries of topological phases of matter or in conformal field theory. Motivated by orbifolds of holomorphic conformal field theories and their global symmetries, I will discuss automorphism groups of Lagrangian algebras in Drinfel'd centers of finite groups and their associated 3-cocycles (anomalies). The talk is based on joint work in progress with A. Davydov and D.A. Simmons
Bolz Hall 422
Title: Automorphisms of Lagrangian algebras
Speaker: Marcel Bischoff (Ohio University)
Abstract: A commutative algebra in a non-degenerate braided category is called Lagrangian if the category of local modules is trivial. Lagrangian algebras arise e.g. in gapped boundaries of topological phases of matter or in conformal field theory. Motivated by orbifolds of holomorphic conformal field theories and their global symmetries, I will discuss automorphism groups of Lagrangian algebras in Drinfel'd centers of finite groups and their associated 3-cocycles (anomalies). The talk is based on joint work in progress with A. Davydov and D.A. Simmons