January 8, 2019
Cockins Hall 240
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2019-01-08 13:50:00
2019-01-08 14:50:00
Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar - Marcel Bischoff
Title: Hopf algebra actions in tensor categories
Speaker: Marcel Bischoff (Ohio University)
Abstract: We prove that commutative algebras in braided tensor categories do not admit faithful Hopf algebra actions unless they come from group actions. We also show that a group action allows us to see the algebra as the regular algebra in the representation category of the acting group.
Seminar URL: https://www.coreyjonesmath.com/qaqt-seminar-osu
Cockins Hall 240
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2019-01-08 13:50:00
2019-01-08 14:50:00
Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar - Marcel Bischoff
Title: Hopf algebra actions in tensor categories
Speaker: Marcel Bischoff (Ohio University)
Abstract: We prove that commutative algebras in braided tensor categories do not admit faithful Hopf algebra actions unless they come from group actions. We also show that a group action allows us to see the algebra as the regular algebra in the representation category of the acting group.
Seminar URL: https://www.coreyjonesmath.com/qaqt-seminar-osu
Cockins Hall 240
Title: Hopf algebra actions in tensor categories
Speaker: Marcel Bischoff (Ohio University)
Abstract: We prove that commutative algebras in braided tensor categories do not admit faithful Hopf algebra actions unless they come from group actions. We also show that a group action allows us to see the algebra as the regular algebra in the representation category of the acting group.
Seminar URL: https://www.coreyjonesmath.com/qaqt-seminar-osu