October 15, 2024
Math Tower (MW) 154
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2024-10-15 15:00:00
2024-10-15 16:00:00
Harmonic Analysis and Several Complex Variables Seminar - Valentin Kunz
Valentin KunzThe Ohio State UniversityTitleSeveral Complex Variables and the Quarter-Plane Problem: An OverviewAbstractThe 'quarter-plane problem' refers to the boundary value problem which models the interaction of a monochromatic plane-wave, e.g., an acoustic pressure field, with the tip of an infinitely thin corner in three spatial dimensions, e.g., the tip of a turbofan blade. In this talk, we will outline how the theory of several complex variables can help us gain a better understanding of such physical phenomena. We are particularly interested in finding an asymptotic formula for the field observed at a great distance from the quarter-plane, which, in turn, requires knowledge of the singularity structure of some two-complex-variable spectral functions.For more information on the seminar
Math Tower (MW) 154
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2024-10-15 15:00:00
2024-10-15 16:00:00
Harmonic Analysis and Several Complex Variables Seminar - Valentin Kunz
Valentin KunzThe Ohio State UniversityTitleSeveral Complex Variables and the Quarter-Plane Problem: An OverviewAbstractThe 'quarter-plane problem' refers to the boundary value problem which models the interaction of a monochromatic plane-wave, e.g., an acoustic pressure field, with the tip of an infinitely thin corner in three spatial dimensions, e.g., the tip of a turbofan blade. In this talk, we will outline how the theory of several complex variables can help us gain a better understanding of such physical phenomena. We are particularly interested in finding an asymptotic formula for the field observed at a great distance from the quarter-plane, which, in turn, requires knowledge of the singularity structure of some two-complex-variable spectral functions.For more information on the seminar
Math Tower (MW) 154
Valentin Kunz
The Ohio State University
Several Complex Variables and the Quarter-Plane Problem: An Overview
The 'quarter-plane problem' refers to the boundary value problem which models the interaction of a monochromatic plane-wave, e.g., an acoustic pressure field, with the tip of an infinitely thin corner in three spatial dimensions, e.g., the tip of a turbofan blade. In this talk, we will outline how the theory of several complex variables can help us gain a better understanding of such physical phenomena. We are particularly interested in finding an asymptotic formula for the field observed at a great distance from the quarter-plane, which, in turn, requires knowledge of the singularity structure of some two-complex-variable spectral functions.