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On Universal Mixers

Andrej Zlatos
October 25, 2021
10:20AM - 11:20AM

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Add to Calendar 2021-10-25 10:20:00 2021-10-25 11:20:00 On Universal Mixers Title:  On Universal Mixers Speaker:  Andrej Zlatos (UC San Diego) Abstract:  I will present a construction of universal mixers in all dimensions, that is, incompressible flows that asymptotically mix arbitrarily well general solutions to the corresponding transport equation. While no universal mixer can have a uniform mixing rate for all measurable initial data, these flows are also almost universal exponential mixers in the sense that they do achieve exponential-in-time mixing (which is the optimal rate) for all initial data with at least some degree of regularity. The constructed flows are time-dependent with an alternating cellular structure, and exist on tori as well as on bounded domains in Euclidean spaces. I will also present numerical evidence of exponential mixing by a different class of flows, alternating shear flows on two-dimensional tori. URL associated with Seminar https://research.math.osu.edu/pde/ Meeting ID: 935 1740 8580 Password: 314159 Zoom Department of Mathematics math@osu.edu America/New_York public

Title:  On Universal Mixers

Speaker:  Andrej Zlatos (UC San Diego)

Abstract:  I will present a construction of universal mixers in all dimensions, that is, incompressible flows that asymptotically mix arbitrarily well general solutions to the corresponding transport equation. While no universal mixer can have a uniform mixing rate for all measurable initial data, these flows are also almost universal exponential mixers in the sense that they do achieve exponential-in-time mixing (which is the optimal rate) for all initial data with at least some degree of regularity. The constructed flows are time-dependent with an alternating cellular structure, and exist on tori as well as on bounded domains in Euclidean spaces. I will also present numerical evidence of exponential mixing by a different class of flows, alternating shear flows on two-dimensional tori.

URL associated with Seminar

Meeting ID: 935 1740 8580 Password: 314159

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