Bill Husen Wins ASC Outstanding Staff Award

May 2, 2018

Bill Husen Wins ASC Outstanding Staff Award

photo of Bill Husen

Dr. William (Bill) Husen has been honored as one of only six staff in the OSU College of Arts & Sciences to win a 2018 Outstanding Staff Award. Bill serves as the Director of Undergraduate Instruction for the OSU Department of Mathematics, a role in which he has contributed enormously to both the department and the college. Amongst many other responsibilities, Bill oversees the course scheduling and staffing for the entire department, coordinates two of the department's large-enrollment courses, teaches, and oversees the department's undergraduate advising office. Bill also represents the department on a number of committees and serves as liaison to many other university departments and offices.

Bill's door is always open, and he assists students, instructors, and other members of the community with steadfast patience and professionalism. His policies have resulted in the adoption of new technologies and procedures, greater efficiency, and improved student service. Current initiatives Bill is working on include setting up a mentoring system for undergraduate math majors, rolling out new student recruitment initiatives, and launching a summer math camp for high school women.

Bill Husen deserves to be commended at the highest level for his service to the OSU Arts & Sciences community and beyond. He is a tremendous asset to our department, a role model for other staff, and a true pleasure to work with. Please join us in congratulating him on the college's recognition of his service and achievements.