NSF RTG grant awarded to Kahle, Davis, Memoli, Dey & Wang

Matt Kahle (PI, Math), Mike Davis (co-PI, Math), Facundo Memoli (co-PI, joint appt Math/CSE), Tamal Dey (co-PI, CSE/courtesy appt Math), and Yusu Wang (co-PI, CSE) have been awarded a 5-year, $1.72 million Research Training Group grant from the National Science Foundation. Several other OSU faculty will also be involved as senior personnel. The grant is jointly funded by the Topology Program and the Workforce Program at the NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences. The Computational Mathematics Program, Combinatorics and Probability Programs, and CISE/CCF Division will also contribute to the award.
The grant will support research fellowships for graduate students, postdoc positions, and undergraduate research opportunities in algebraic topology and its applications.The abstract can be viewed at http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1547357
Please join us in congratulating Matt Kahle and his colleagues on this tremendous achievement!