Learn more about our associated conferences this year!
Young Mathematicians Conference (YMC)
8/12 - 8/14
Since its inception in 2003, the Young Mathematicians Conference (YMC) has offered an annual stage for undergraduate research in mathematics.
The conference typically includes three plenary lectures by established mathematicians, talks by undergraduate students to showcase their work, and a variety of opportunities for professional development. It also offers a venue for faculty mentors to share their experiences.
In 2022, the conference was held between the 12th and the 14th of August, and the plenary speakers were:
- Jeff Diller (Notre Dame)
- Julia Plavnik (Indiana University)
- Isabel Vogt (Brown)
The advisory board of YMC consists of:
- Ruth Charney
- Dennis DeTurck
- Robert Devaney
- Carolyn Gordon
- Aloysius Helminck
- Aparna Higgins
- Roman Holowinsky
- Thomas Kerler
- Bryna Kra
- Donal O’Shea
- Monica Visan
- Kim Whittlesey
Harmonic Analysis and Fractal Sets
3/24 - 3/26
Organized by Krystal Taylor (OSU), Alex McDonald (OSU) and Eyvindur Palsson (Virginia Tech), the conference of Harmonic Analysis and Fractal Sets (HAFS) 2023 took place between the 24th and 26th of March, 2023.
HAFS brought together experts in geometric measure theory, harmonic analysis and fractal geometry to find new connections between existing methods and problems and to formulate new approaches to them.
The conference featured plenary talks by:
- Rosemarie Bongers (Harvard)
- Alan Chang (Princeton)
- Xiumin Du (Northwestern)
- Kyle Hambrook (San Jose State)
- Alex Iosevich (University of Rochester)
The conference was largely aimed at junior participants and featured short parallel speaking sessions and a scavenger hunt around campus.
Number Theory Seminar Series
4/12 - 4/14
This day-long mini-conference included a series of talks in number theory and arithmetic geometry, aimed at bringing together number theorists working in a wide variety of research areas, and fostering collaborations.
The Seminar Series was organized by Soumya Sankar (OSU) and featured talks:
- Sarah Fei (Dartmouth)
- Mathilde Gerbelli-Gauthier (McGill)
- Wanlin Li (WUSTL)
- Yuan Liu (UIUC)
- Allechar Serrano López (Harvard)
Midwest Several Complex Variables Conference
4/28 - 4/30
The Midwest Several Complex Variables Conference was hosted at OSU this year, and organized by:
- Debraj Chakrabarti (Central Michigan University)
- Luke Edholm (University of Vienna)
- Kenneth Koenig (OSU)
- Liz Vivas (OSU)
- Yunus Zeytuncu (University of Michigan-Dearborn)
The conference celebrated the mathematical work of Jeffery McNeal, and showcased recent developments at the interface of several complex variables, harmonic analysis, operator theory, functional analysis, and complex geometry.
KOALA 2023: Workshop of the Kentucky-Ohio Algebra Alliance
5/9 - 5/10
KOALA (Kentucky-Ohio Algebra Alliance) is a collaboration between OSU and the University of Kentucky.
KOALA workshops are annual two-day meetings alternating between the two institutions, featuring talks by researchers in Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry.
The goal of these workshops is to strengthen the Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry community in the Midwest.
This year’s workshop will be held in May 2023 in Columbus and will feature plenary talks by Hannah Larson (Harvard) and Botong Wang (UW Madison).
The workshop will also feature talks by:
- Max Kutler (OSU)
- Alexander Sutherland (OSU)
- Boris Tsvelikhovskiy (University of Pittsburgh)
Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium
5/15 - 5/19
The Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium (GPOTS) will be held from May 15th to May 19th, and will focus on recent advances in operator algebras, operator theory, and a wide array of their applications.
The conference will be organized by the following group at OSU and will feature several plenary talks.:
- Ovidiu Costin
- Rodica Costin
- Jan Lang
- David Penneys
- Daniel Wallick
Workshop on Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis
6/1 - 6/3
The workshop on Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis will be organized by:
- Ambar Sengupta
- Aurel I. Stan
- Julius Esunge
The workshop is being held in honor of Professor Hui-Hsiung Kuo (LSU).