Thomas Pickering

Thomas Pickering

Thomas Pickering graduated from Ohio State Undergrad in 2022 He graduated with a major in Actuarial Science and a minor in Business. He currently works for the Ohio Department of Insurance as an Actuarial Analyst. Feel free to contact him at

How did you first become interested in actuarial science? 
My father had someone at work who was an actuary and then I researched the field and became interested

How did Ohio State's program stand our to you and what do you love most about Ohio State? There were good teachers who really want to help you learn. I love the campus environment. 

What did you think about the faculty in the program and how were your interactions with other students in the program? 

There are great teachers that help you learn the fundamentals for the job. interactions with students were positive and cordial. 

What has been your biggest takeaway from the program? Was there any class or skill that stood out? How did the content prepare you for your role? 

The importance of knowing your basics. A class that stood out was Actuarial Practicum for the ability to learn and apply the knowledge to problems. The content helped with passing exams that lead to the important functions in my role.

How would you describe your work in actuarial science, and what excites you about the field?

I make sure company products for the State of Ohio are compliant with all laws and regulations. The ability to use my skills to grow my career for the state.

Can you elaborate on your current role and typical things you encounter on a day to day basis?

Reviewing filings for compliance and talking to people at companies if needed to discuss issues with the filing.

Is there anything about actuarial science that might surprise someone new to the field?

he importance of having soft skills and dealing with people at a professional level. The job isn't just mathematics.

What advice do you have for current, future and international students?

Take the exams seriously and give them your full time and attention. Try to find like minded people and build a network to help you learn.