David Penneys Receives NSF Quantum Training Grant

August 30, 2023

David Penneys Receives NSF Quantum Training Grant

David Penneys

Join the department in congratulating  David Penneys and collaborators who have been awarded a $3 million National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) in quantum information science and engineering (QISE). 

Expanding on a corresponding NSF initiative for undergraduate education, this NRT will establish a new interdisciplinary graduate curriculum and program in QISE, at both the MS and PhD levels. The program will be housed by the departments of physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science, electrical engineering, and materials science.

The NRT aims to develop a diverse workforce in QISE and will directly fund 25 trainees over the award period. A unique feature of this NRT is that "trainees will be engaged in QISE research from the start, and will develop professional skills in ethics, technical writing and communication."

From the abstract of the proposal: "This project will create MS and PhD curriculum and develop additional courses for this curriculum.  It will also establish connections into the workforce via internships sponsored research projects, and certificate programs as well as monitor outcomes and work towards long-term impact in the area of QISE.

The title of the proposal is "NRT-QISE: a new interdisciplinary degree program for convergent research and graduate training in quantum information science and engineering." 

See the NSF Award Abstract for more details.